How to Take slow motion videos with up to 240 FPS on Nexus 6P

Nexus 6P 2
Nexus 6P 2

In this guide, we will be talking about the 12.3MP camera which is capable of taking slow motion videos with up to 240 FPS on Nexus 6P. The rear camera is also Capable of talking 4K videos. However, you can only shoot 720p videos while shooting in slow motion at 240 frames per second. You should also know that shooting slow motion videos will make the videos to be considerably darker than the videos shot in Normal mode. So I’ll advice you to make sure that the Scene you’re about to shoot is well-lit or has good lightning.

Now, taking slow motion videos on the Nexus 6P device is easy if you know where to look in the stock camera app. You also don’t need a third-party party app for this. Although you could make use of one that has the feature but why Download a third-party app for something your stock camera app can do perfectly well ? To take slow motion videos on Nexus 6P, simply follow the outlined steps below.

How to Take slow motion videos with up to 240 FPS on Nexus 6P

  • Open the Camera App of your Nexus 6P device.
  • First, you’ll be taken to the picture/photo mode, Swipe right to access the video mode. Once you get to the video mode, you’ll noticed that the on-screen buttons and options available have changed to that effect.

  • Now Click on the semi-circle icon close to the flash icon located at the top right corner of the screen.

  • Once you do that then you’ve successfully activated slow motion recording. You can now go ahead and tap the Red Circle/Record button to start Recording your videos in slow mo.

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Remember, Videos shot in slow motion are cap at 240 frames per second and 720p. Also remember to light up the scene your wanna Record or make sure it is well-lit before recording. The process will be different if you’re making use of a third-party camera app but should be somewhere in the settings of the camera app.


If you have a different camera app and Don’t know how to go about it on that app, you can comment the name of app and we will assist you on how to go about it. Also, we would like to know if you would be making use of the slow motion feature on the stock camera if you’re using that.


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