How To Turn Off Fake Eye Contact In FaceTime On iPhone

Fake Eye Contact FaceTime iPhone
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FaceTime is Apple’s software and platform for video chatting between devices. Users do not have to set the phone up and come up with a username for logging purposes, you only have to start a video convo with a friend or loved one, and it will go through.

As long as the person you are video calling owns an iPhone and is on Wi-Fi, there should be know hitching with the chatting process. The software is pretty straightforward and it does its job beautifully and consistently.

Apple marketed FaceTime amazingly and yielded massive results unless you are an Android user who has no business with iOS. This is not to say that video chats are taking over from voice conversations, but it is definitely a welcome development.

There will be times when we feel like seeing the face of the person we are chatting with and interacting with them live, and there may be times when you need to show this person around your house without doing it physically.

Facetime is a simple service that grants you access to a simple application that is very user-friendly and usable. When it comes to security, FaceTime also offers its users an end to end encryption, guaranteeing non-leakage of vital information.

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Are you aware that on an iPhone XS or later running iOS 14 or higher, FaceTime digitally alters your video feed for your eyes to always stare into the camera, even when they are not? If you absolutely detest the idea of the digitally modified eyeballs, not to worry, it is very possible to disable it. See How To Turn Off Fake Eye Contact In FaceTime On iPhone:

How Can I Turn Off Fake Eye Contact In FaceTime On iPhone?

  • Before anything else, access “Settings” on your iPhone.
Fake Eye Contact FaceTime iPhone
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  • Under “Settings,” click “FaceTime.”
Fake Eye Contact FaceTime iPhone
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  • In FaceTime settings, flip the switch close to “Eye Contact” to disable it. This immediately deactivates the fake “natural eye contact” feature.
Fake Eye Contact FaceTime iPhone
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You can now exit the Settings application. When next you access FaceTime, your pupils will be precisely where you want them to be.

That is that.


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