How to turn off IDM updates so that notifications don’t appear

Internet Download Manager
Internet Download Manager

Back to discussing IDM, some time ago we discussed how to speed up IDM downloads, and How to Continue Failed IDM Downloads. This time we will discuss the problems that are often experienced by IDM users and are often annoying when they want to download a file, especially if it is not an update notification. How to turn off IDM updates so that notifications don’t appear is actually quite easy, but many users don’t know it yet.

The IDM update does make the IDM better because it will certainly do bug fixes, and add features. But not all users like the new update patch. The reason is that there are some users including friends who are still comfortable with the old update patch, maybe because the features are quite good and other things.

But don’t worry, actually to turn off update notifications the steps are quite easy, of course, we will explain below. Interested? Please take a look!

How to turn off IDM updates so that notifications don’t appear?

Here we will describe 2 ways to solve it, my friend can choose the one that you think is the easiest to follow.


This method is the easiest way to turn off update notifications. Now Rename the file itself means changing the file name to a new name. Is it possible to just rename the file? Of course, you can, we’re going to use a little trick. Here are the steps:

  • First, please open your laptop or PC
  • Then, please go to the folder menu
  • If so, find a folder with the name “Internet Download Manager“.
  • Please, my friend, enter the folder, then please find the file with the name “IDMGrHlp” (without quotes)
  • This is where the point is, please right-click on the file, then you can rename the file or change the file name to “idmhelp-old” (without quotes).
  • If it has been renamed, you can restart your laptop or PC
  • Wait until it comes back to life
  • If the laptop is back ON, you can go back into the “Internet Download Manager” folder.
  • Then please search for the file again, but with the name “idmBroker” (without quotes)
  • Then here, my friend, rename (change name) again with the name “IDMGrHlp” (without quotes).
  • Finally, you just have to restart your laptop or PC.
  • Finished.
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This method has been used by many other IDM users who have experienced similar problems, and it has proven to be worth it. So please, my friend, follow the steps exactly.


The way to turn off IDM updates so that other notifications don’t appear is to use the RUN (Edit Registry) feature. Don’t worry, this method applies to Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. This method is quite easy, here are the steps:

  • Open your laptop or PC, and leave it on the desktop.
  • Then my friend can enter the RUN window. To enter, my friend can use the keyboard combination “Windows Logo + R
  • Then a column will appear at the bottom of the screen. So here, please type “regedit” (without quotes).

  • Continue by pressing Enter or press OK.
  • Then my friend will enter the Registry Editor window.
  • Please here, my friend, Copy and paste this text “Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DownloadManager” (without quotes).

    Hkey Current User
    Hkey Current User
  • Then continue by searching for “LstCheck”.
  • If you have found it, you can double click (click 2x) on the LstCheck file.
  • The Edit String tab or window will appear.
  • Change the “Value data” section by changing it to 02/12/99
  • Continue by clicking OK
  • Finally, just restart your PC or laptop buddy
  • Finished.

This trick does look difficult. But in fact, it’s quite easy, it’s just that there are quite a lot of steps. This method is recommended by many IDM users who have done it to get rid of update notifications. But we do not guarantee for now this method is still worth it or not. But what’s the harm in trying?

How to Update IDM

If you have turned off IDM notifications, but it turns out that you want to update to the latest version, don’t worry, you can do this easily, here’s how.

  • First, please open IDM
  • Then my friend can see the menu on the top side, please select the “Help” tab
  • Then click “Check for Updates“.

    Idm Update
    Idm Update
  • If a message appears on the screen about the latest update, it’s a sign that you can update it
  • If you want to update right away, please select the “Update Now” button.
  • Then you will enter the update process. Just wait until the update process is complete. The time is not long, because IDM updates are mostly small.
  • Finally, if you have finished updating, please click the “Finish” button
  • IDM updated successfully.

So that’s how you do it, so you don’t have to worry that IDM can’t be updated again.

Advantages and Kekuangan Meng -Update IDM


  • The bug will be resolved so the possibility of error is very small
  • Added useful new features
  • Additional security
  • Make it easy for the display to be made comfortable


  • Space increases
  • There are features that are omitted (but this case is very rare)
  • Some menu layouts and naming may be different, so will have to readjust

The final word

Above is a trick or how to turn off IDM updates so that notifications don’t appear that we can share. How? Pretty easy isn’t it? Please try it! If you have any questions or additions, you can write them in the comments column below. Good luck!

Is this method safe and does not damage IDM?

It’s most likely safe! Because we only use tricks, not removing packages in IDM. So limited to manipulating, not eliminating.

After doing the above method, why does my IDM update notification appear?

Try buddy check again. Maybe there is a step that was missed, or maybe because of a typo when renaming the file name above. Because most likely if you have done the trick above, the update notification will stop because the system reads the IDM is updated.

Is it after doing the above we can’t update?

Of course, you can, the trick above only removes notifications. You can still keep updating! Well, if you don’t know how to update, we’ve discussed it above.

How much does an Internet Download Manager license cost?

Based on the official IDM website, the price of a 1PC IDM license for 1 year is Rp. 170,000, while for a lifetime license it is only Rp. 355,000 which can be used on 1 PC/Laptop.

Where to download the original IDM?

To download the original IDM, you can visit the following link and go to the Download menu. Buddy can download for free and get a free trial within a few days.


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