How To Turn Off Your Apple TV By Putting It Into Sleep Mode

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Apple TVnew

Your Apple TV cannot be powered off until you unplug it. It comes with no power button, and no menu will let you shut it off. However, it has a Sleep Mode, which does pretty much the same thing. An Apple TV in Sleep Mode helps to save energy and it will not play any unexpected sounds.

This is why it is advisable always to put your Apple TV in Sleep Mode when you are no longer watching. There are a couple of ways to power off an Apple TV by putting it into Sleep Mode. The shortcut on your Apple TV remote can be used, and you can get it done via the Settings menu, or wait a set amount of time. See How To Turn Off Your Apple TV By Putting It Into Sleep Mode:

How Can My Apple TV Enter Sleep Mode By Waiting?

One effective way to put your Apple TV into Sleep Mode is to wait. Every Apple TV model is designed to go into Sleep Mode on its own when it stays idle for a specific amount of time. If you wish to change how long it takes to enter Sleep Mode, do this:

  • Launch the Settings application. Its icon resembles a large gray gear.
  • Access “General” and swipe down to “Sleep After.”
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Turn Off Your Apple TV

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  • Choose “Sleep After.” Here, you can choose how long your Apple TV should wait before going into Sleep Mode.

Turn Off Your Apple TV

How Can My Apple TV Enter Sleep Mode Through A Remote?

Do you own an Apple TV 4K or Apple TV HD model? Just:

  • Press the Home button on your Apple TV remote for 3 seconds. This will grant you access to the Control Center.
  • Choose “Sleep.”

Turn Off Your Apple TV

Own an Apple TV 3rd Generation or earlier? Just press and hold the Play/Pause button for 5 seconds.

How Can My Apple TV Enter Sleep Mode Through Settings?

On any Apple TV model, Sleep Mode can be activated from the Settings.

  • Launch the Settings application on your Apple TV.
  • Choose “Sleep Now.”

Turn Off Your Apple TV

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