How to Turn On / Off Snooze Alarm on Google Pixel 2 / Pixel 2 XL

How to Turn On Off Snooze Alarm on Google Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL 752x440
How to Turn On Off Snooze Alarm on Google Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL 752x440

Isn’t it amazing how useful smartphones can be? There a lot of things in our everyday lives that we can apply and utilize our smartphones in the most simple way possible. We can use it as a flashlight when you cannot find things in the dark. If you get lost while you are traveling, there is a compass application available for you to use. With the Google Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL, there are tons of things that you can do with it – it is almost unending. Technology nowadays is such a joy and convenience to have.

To makes things easier and efficient, we already use our smartphones as our alarm clock. It is a good thing that we do this because we can catch up on the messages that are left for us first thing in the morning. It will the primary object that you will hold because you need to turn off the alarm. We will teach you how to make your alarm go to snooze on your phone. Don’t worry about the difficulty of the process. It is just as easy as “ 1-2-3” if you are coming to think of it. Just follow the guidelines properly and you will be good in no time.

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How to Turn On / Off Snooze Alarm on Google Pixel 2 / Pixel 2 XL:

Turning On The Snooze

This will happen and the option will only be available if your alarm clock is activated. Once you wake up and your phone is alarming, there is an option to stop the alarm or snooze. The time of the snooze can be adjusted in your Clock settings in the Alarm section. Your snooze can even go as long as 30 minutes to as short as 5 minutes depending on your preferences.

If you want to sleep longer after your first buzzer, just tap on the snooze button to get a bit more sleep. a couple of minutes already makes a big difference.


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