How To Uninstall Apps On A Mac Computer?


This is the time to do away with the old stuff and make room or new things, and your computer is not exempted.

Due to its constant backups and common updates, technology requires the maintenance you will give a house these days.

If whenever you turn on your Mac, you see, “Startup disk is almost full” or a large number of update notifications on applications that you do not even launch, then its time to create space.

There are files that can be occupying too much space, which can result in your computer running sluggishly, but before you start getting rid of your favorite pictures, songs and films, you should try to uninstall the applications that you will never use again.

It could be the Adobe trial you decided to not purchase, or the software you installed when you worked from home a year before, these programs can be running in the background or automatically updating without you knowing about it.

Even if they are not troubling you, those constant update notifications are very frustrating.

And luckily, uninstallation of these applications is as easy as Fellaini scoring with a header.

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Getting rid of an app will create the space you need on your PC, although, bear in mind that some applications such as Microsoft Office and Adobe programs can store high amounts of files on your Mac even after deleting them.

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Dragging an application into Trash only gets rid of .app file, and not the data that is already stored on your Mac (which includes preferences, logins, and licensed files.) Taking it upon yourself to get rid of this stored data will create additional space on your PC.

Some applications like Adobe, provide dedicated uninstallers — whether it is built into the application or downloaded as a separate file from the manufacturer’s website — that will get rid of additional, associated files. For those that don’t, though, you can manually get rid of files from your Library or buy a 3rd-party program like CleanMyMac to totally clear them away for yourself.

Below are 3 easy ways to uninstall App Store programs and other applications you have downloaded from the net.

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How Can I Manually Uninstall Apps On A Mac Computer?

  1. Tap “Launchpad” in your Dock and locate the application you intend to delete. Tap and hold your cursor on the application until an “X” is visible around the corner. Tap “X” to get rid of the app. “X” will remain on every app that can be deleted, therefore, swipe through and delete any more apps you want. When you are done, tap wherever on the screen that is not occupied by an application icon to quit deletion mode.
  2. Locate the apps you wish to delete in “Launchpad,” then tap and drag them one by one into “trash can.” When you are done, open Trash and tap “Empty” in the top right corner.
  3. Beneath the “Go” menu in Finder, find and open the “Applications” folder. Choose all the applications you want to delete, then right tap and choose “Move to Trash” from the menu that will be visible. Once more, do not forget to empty your Trash when you are through.
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