How To Use Face ID With A Mask

Use Face ID With Mask
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The current reality among phone users is that wearing a face mask practically renders Face ID useless. This is especially a pain in the neck for medical professionals since they cherish being able to use Face ID on their iPhones as they work while wearing protective equipment.

However, not to worry, because it is actually possible to use the tech on your iPhone while wearing a face mask without any problems. The truth is that Face ID is meant to function with your eyes, nose, and mouth visible, therefore you can still unlock your device while wearing a mask by entering your password. See How To Improve Face ID With A Mask:

How Can I Use Face ID With A Mask On My iPhone?

  1. Go to Settings > Face ID & Passcode.
  2. The first step can be done as an “Alternate Appearance” or you can decide to “Reset Face ID.”
  3. As soon as you have selected “Set up Face ID” or “Set Up Alternate Appearance,” ensure your mask is folded in half and hold it up to your face.
  4. If your iPhone says “Face Obstructed,” move your mask slowly away from the center of your face until it prompts you to “Move your head slowly to complete the circle.” (It is best to cover the tip of your nose, if you cover too much, you will see an error.)
  5. Wrap up 2 scans of your face with the mask folded in the same orientation.
  6. “Face ID is now set up” would be visible.
  7. Put your mask on, cover your entire face, confirm if it worked to unlock your iOS device.
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Use Face ID With Mask
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Another way to go about it:

  1. If Face ID fails to work properly after doing the Face ID setup with a folded mask, head back to Settings > Face ID & Passcode.
  2. Click “Set Up Alternate Appearance” (If you selected alternate for the first step, you will have to Reset Face ID and do part 1 again for the primary Face, and do the 2nd part as an alternate appearance.)
  3. Ensure the mask is folded and placed on the other side of your face.
  4. Wrap up 2 Face ID setup scans.
  5. Put your mask on, covering your entire face.
  6. Confirm if it worked.
  7. Face ID will still work even when you are not wearing your mask too.
Use Face ID With Mask
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You Might Also Want To Read: How to add a second person to Face ID on your iPhone

That is that.


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