How To Use Siri Alongside A Third-Party Email And Not Apple Mail


Before now, Apple apps were one of the only ones that would play nicely with Siri on iPhones. Making use of the benefits the digital assistant brings meant you are going with Apple Mail and not your currently-used email client. After iOS 12, this story has changed.

Before iOS 12, deleting the Mail app entirely from your iPhone could still not make Siri work with its third-party replacement. But today, similar to third-party weather apps, if you fancy a third-party email client instead of Apple’s stock version, Siri can still work for you.

All you have to do is set up the email app you choose with as many Siri Shortcuts as you are allowed to make way for the digital assistant to your inbox. For instance, Spark gives users the freedom to search archives or compose a new mail with a specific contact or contacts, body, and signature.

Sadly, Spark remains the only big email client to offer Siri Shortcut compatibility right about now. We can hope that would change soon and we have more email apps follow their footsteps.

Step 1- Allot Siri Shortcut Phrases In-App

There is just one major way to seize the advantage Spark brings from the get-go bearing in mind that Sparks has three main shortcuts available for your use. Click on the hamburger menu icon on Spark, select “Setting.” then “Siri & Shortcuts,” you’ll then be confronted with three options “Open Folder,” “Search,” and “Sent.” Imagining that you wanted a shortcut for your inbox, you are to select “Open Folder, then “Inbox” from the available options. “Archive,” “Sent,” Pins,” and “Drafts” are selectable as well and creating a Siri Shortcut each of the three is possible if you have a need for it.

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Here, you are allowed to select your Siri Phrase to make the folder open. Enable “Type to Siri.”, Click on “Type Phrase.” then your choice phrase in the field you see. Alternatively, click on the record button, and say your phrase via your voice. When you are through with that, click on “Done.” You are not unrestricted to speak this phrase to Siri and your shortcuts with receive Spark instructions to run. Your Siri phrases also appear in the Shortcuts section of the “Siri & Shortcuts” menu in Spark.

Step 2- Allot Siri Shortcut Phrases From Suggestions

Generally speaking, If the app in question has no feature for shortcuts in its settings, shortcuts only appear in Siri suggestions in the settings lock screen or app, and also in the shortcuts app. Although, shortcuts that are available will normally only appear in these locations if you make use of its functions regularly in the app.

Being that Spark is still the only email app that currently provides Siri shortcuts support, the instructions below are strictly for that app but expect the process to be precisely the same thing for other apps when they are available. The only difference would be the available shortcuts and the names they go by. Open the Settings app, click on “Siri & Search.” immediately, you might see a shortcut for Spark under suggested shortcuts. If these shortcuts are not the ones you fancy or if no shortcut was available, click on “All Shortcuts.” and then search for or scroll down to view the section for Spark. If you still do not view any Spark shortcuts available, the reason is simple, you have not used Spark in recent days, or you are yet to perform a specific action that Siri can come with suggestions from. As soon as you’ve seen and clicked the Siri shortcut you fancy, you can type your phrase or say your phrase with your voice and tap “Done.” to save the shortcut.

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Step 3- Allot Siri Shortcut Phrases in Shortcuts

Those wanting advanced shortcut features can have what they want on The Shortcut App which is the only option. This app that was developed by Apple should be installed from the App store if you are yet to do that. Same with Step 2, you must’ve recently used or frequently used the associated action in the app directly to see the available shortcuts for the email app.

Having said that, imagine you want to set up a Siri phrase to search for attachments in email, click on “Create Shortcut,” search for “Search attachments” if you know the name of the exact shortcut, if you don’t, search for “Spark.” instead and you’ll see a list of shortcuts. As soon as you view the shortcut, click on it. You will see it loaded into the workflow of your shortcut. After that, click on the “Settings.” icon just under “Done.” This is where you are allowed to click on “Name.” so you can give the shortcut a name to monitor it effectively on your iPhone. Immediately you type a name, click on “Done.” Yo are free to add a custom icon the shortcut by tapping “Icon.”

Please note that you’ll have to click on “Add to Siri.” as this will activate the phrase recorder for your Siri command. The typing of your phrase or voicing it comes into play again. Choose the option you want to use and click “Done.” when you are through. Your shortcut is ready for use.

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