Samsung Galaxy J5 Screen Keeps On Flickering (Fixed)

Samsung Galaxy J5
Samsung Galaxy J5

If your Samsung Galaxy J5 screen keeps on flickering then you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we will be showing some steps to take in order to fix the problem and get the phone back to normal.

Before we begin, I’ll like to say that If your Samsung Galaxy J5 has been dropped on a hard surface before the flickering Started, then there is a high chance that a hardware might have been affected during the fall. Also, if you recently dropped it in any form of liquid before the problem started, then it might also be a hardware problem. If any of those two happened, then I’ll advise you not to get your hopes up as the guide below focuses on fixing just software related issues, not hardware.

Hopefully, it is the former. If not, then only a phone technician will be able to help you. Without further ado, let’s get right down to it.

Boot Into Safe Mode

This is perhaps the first thing you should when you notice that your Samsung Galaxy J5 screen keeps on flickering. Booting into safe mode gives the phone a safe place to run without third-party apps interrupting. You’d be surprised to find out that an app you recently Installed is causing the problem on your device. So to rule out the possibility of that, boot into safe mode and use the device. To boot into safe mode, follow the steps below.

  • Turn off your Samsung Galaxy J5.
  • Now, Press and Hold the Power Button and Volume Down Button Simultaneously.

  • Once you see the Samsung logo, Let go of the power button while still holding the Volume down Button.

  • Hold on to the Volume Down Button till the phone boots fully.

  • You should see “Safe Mode” Written at the bottom left corner of the screen to know you’re in safe mode. If you don’t see the safe mode then you didn’t do it right, Try the steps again.

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Now that you are in the Safe Mode, try using the phone for some time. If the screen flickering continues then it isn’t as a result of an installed app on your phone. However, if you didn’t Experience any screen flickering while In the safe mode then congratulations. You’ve found your culprit.

All you have to do now is to delete the app responsible for the problem. I’ll advise you to start by uninstalling your most recently downloaded app and work your way down till the issue is fixed.

Wipe Cache Partition

Wiping the cache partition might also fix the issue as cached data might be the reason why your Samsung Galaxy J5 screen keeps on flickering. To wipe cache partition, follow the steps below.

  • Make sure your device is Turned Off.
  • Press and Hold the Volume Up Button and Home Button. Now Press and Hold the Power Button.

  • When you see the Samsung Logo, Let go of the Power Button while still holding the Volume Up Button and Home Button.

  • When you see an Android Logo then you can let go of the remaining two buttons. It Should start “Installing system update” for about 50 seconds before taking you to the Recovery Menu.

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  • Using the Volume Down Button, Navigate to “Wipe Cache Partition” and Select it using the Power Button.

  • Again, Using the Volume Down Button, Navigate to “Yes” and Select it using the Power Button.

  • Once it is done wiping Cache Partition, Navigate to “Reboot Now” and Select it.

  • When your phone boots up, check to see if the screen flickering problem still persists. If the screen is still flickering then there, I’ll recommend you Wipe data/factory reset your Phone.

    Wipe Data/Factory Reset

    Before performing a master reset on your device, you should backup any important files you might have on your device. After doing that then you can follow the steps below.

    • Turn Off your phone.
  • Press and Hold the Volume Up Button and Home Button. Now Press and Hold the Power Button.

  • When you see the Samsung Logo, Let go of the Power Button while still holding the Volume Up Button and Home Button.

  • When you see an Android Logo then you can let go of the remaining two buttons. It Should starting installing system update for about 50 seconds before taking you to the Recovery Menu.

  • Navigate to “Wipe Data/Factory Reset” using the Volume Down Button and Select using the Power Button.

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  • Using the Volume Down Button, Move down to “Yes” and Select it using the Power Button.

  • When it is done performing the factory reset, Reboot System and Hopefully, the problem should be gone now.


    If after trying all the above troubleshooting methods, and your Samsung Galaxy J5 screen keeps on flickering then you’ll have to take your phone to a phone technician as it is probably a hardware issue.


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