Simplest Method to Clear Cache on iPhone X & iPhone 8 / 8 Plus

How to Clear Cache on iPhone X iPhone 8 8 Plus 752x440
How to Clear Cache on iPhone X iPhone 8 8 Plus 752x440

We are going to tackle a vital feature in your phone. With us, you get help from almost anything that it has to do something with your current device. Whether if it is an Apple or an Android product, we are always ready to serve you better by giving you out a simple and effective guide on how to go about with your current problem. We are going to teach how to Clear Cache and you need to understand why you need to do that. It is at critical times that it can be your last resort.

You may have downloaded a lot of applications, and we cannot blame you since the iPhone X, 8 and 8 Plus is an interesting gadget. However, there is a downside to it. When you do that. Your phone will slow down and lag all of a sudden and we don’t want that to happen. So, we are going to give you an effective and simple guide on how to clear your cache. Don’t worry, we found a way, in such that, you won’t need any external devices or need an expensive software to deal with. You just need patience and your device to work with you.

How to Clear Cache on iPhone X & iPhone 8 / 8 Plus:

Clear Cache Partition

  • Access your phone by turning it on and unlocking it to get to the home screen.
  • Navigate and locate the Settings which will be resembled by a gear icon.
  • Select the General option.
  • Then, choose Storage and iCloud Usage.
  • Tap on the Manage Storage amongst the choices.
  • Swipe the App that you want to remove cache, then confirm by selecting Delete.
  • Lastly, Tap on Edit and Delete All to remove the application’s data in the cache.
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Just in any case that you see that your device is slowing down, just remember to do this method.


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