Tips On How To Remove Virus Infection Warning On Galaxy Tab S5e


If you are among those trying to remove virus infection warning on Galaxy Tab S5e, if you are those that think your phone has been infected by a virus. Don’t panic much, this article will help you a whole lot, the only thing you will do is to follow the guidelines that will be addressed in this article line by line, don’t be in a haste to jump to the next step. But mind you, this is not a comprehensive guide on how to completely make your device virus-free forever but the advantage is that it will help in dealing with common forms of annoying pop-ups and malware.

How To Remove Virus Infection Warning On Galaxy Tab S5e

To tell you the truth, dealing with the virus on Android is not actually a straight forward process. So it is best you discover what you will do if peradventure Galaxy Tab S5e has been infected by a virus or malware.

Remove Virus Infection Warning From Browser

It is very common that your device may be infected by malware or virus while using the web browser. Frequently, most maestro makers have their target point on web browsers like the default Samsung Internet browser or Google Chrome just to trick the user. So follow the instruction below to remove Virus infection warning on your Galaxy Tab S5e

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Confirm Virus Infection By Restarting To Safe Mode

Whenever you notice that your Galaxy Tab S5e keeps indicating virus warning every time you open a web browser, the first thing you will do is to restart the phone to safe mode. Note: this can only work if the browser you are using is pre-installed, what this means is that it will work only if the browser you are using comes with the system. If you are using the browser you downloaded or installed after buying the phone, have in mind that it won’t work. But if in case you are using a pre-installed browser let me work you through on how to restart your safe mode.

Before we go further, are you aware that safe mode is a separate software environment from Android used by technicians to troubleshoot bad applications? If you are aware, have in mind that you can also use it to identify which app of yours is problematic. Also have in mind that While your Galaxy Tab S5e runs on Safe Mode, all third-party apps will be unable to load. So if in case pop-ups are absent on safe mode but return after you restart your Galaxy Tab S5e to normal mode, that’s a confirmation that one of the apps is causing it. To get rid of the problem, you must use the elimination process to identify and remove the bad apps from the system.

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To do this( restart to safe mode ) follow the troubleshooting steps below:

  1. Switch off the device
  2. Click and hold the Power key past the model name screen.
  3. Immediately SAMSUNG appears on the screen, release the power button
  4. Once you released the power key, press and hold the Volume down key
  5. Don’t stop holding the Volume down key until the device finishes restarting
  6. At this point, Safe mode will display in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  7. Once you see the safe mode, release the volume down key

Immediately this device has booted to safe mode, just take some time to monitor it to see if pop-ups return. If it does return, delete the latest app you installed. Once this is done return the phone to normal mode and check for pop-ups again. If the pop-ups are still there try deleting another app you installed, by so doing, you will get to remove an app causing this problem, so if this problem should stop after deleting an application, know that the last app you downloaded was the one causing this problem.


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