How to Turn Samsung Smart TV Voice Guide On and Off

How to Turn Samsung Smart TV Voice Guide On & Off
How to Turn Samsung Smart TV Voice Guide On & Off

The world is growing big daily in so many ways. Less now means more so long as very little effort can do more work. I’m talking about ease. I will show you how to turn on or of Smart TV Voice Guide in an easy way too.

From standing up to turn knobs on your TV in order to switch channels or increase volume, to executing actions on your TV with the remote control as your magic wand while seated comfortably on the couch. That is a lot of standing ups and sitting downs eliminated every time you want to change a channel, alter volume, or perform any changes to the operations of your TV set.

If you think the above is better, then think again. Samsung offers a Voice Guide function on their Smart TV. So your voice can do the work of a remote control. That really puts the relaxation in relaxing, don’t you think?

About Samsung Smart TV Voice Guide

Samsung smart TV voice guide is an AI assistant and narrator that acts as an audio channel between you and your TV, allowing you to give out voice instructions to it and also receive voice feedback from it. So Voice Guide is basically the Alexa of your TV.

When Voice Guide is enabled, if you are navigating on your screen, it gives a description of what is on the screen, and when browsing through movies on streaming platforms, Voice Guide speaks out loud the details of the movies, like movie title for instance.

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Samsung smart TV voice guide comes as an added advantage to people with sight impairments. So, for those who really cannot clearly see write-ups on the TV screen, a voice guide will tell them to you with no stress.

Samsung uses Bixby as the voice guide service on its Smart TV series. So if you are already familiar with the service, you should know it’s reliable to a good extent.


The cons

As the saying goes, everything that has advantages also has disadvantages. This fun and the easy-to-use feature can be annoying sometimes.

While the Samsung TV voice guide is really a good improvement, it also comes with some imperfections just like every other Artificial intelligence. Technology counts as a preferred improvement when it does exactly what we want it to do according to how it was programmed to do it. You definitely would not like volume to be turned down when probably Jason Statham says turn down the volume on the movie you are watching. It sounds funny but yes, it is possible. Happened so many times to me on my phone.

Well, the truth is that the voice guide feature just like every other voice service similar to it is programmed to listen to particular voice commands, and once they get something that sounds as near as possible they get triggered to perform some actions according to programming. And these near-match commands can come from any source other than you. So why not turn it off if it is troubling you.

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How to turn off or on Voice Guide

To turn off Voice Guide, navigate to Home > Settings > General > Accessibility > Voice Guide Settings > Voice Guide.

  • Use your TV remote control and open the TV menu.
  • Navigate through the menu options and select Settings on your smart TV
  • Select General from the list and click OK.
  • Same way, navigate and click on Accessibility.
  • From the Accessibility options, select Voice Guide Settings.
  • Now on Voice Guide settings, toggle it off or on.

Please note that, depending on your TV model, settings might vary with a varying user interface. Check your user manual for added assistance in such cases.

Seems like I saved the best for last this time around. No hard feelings, but you should always have a plan B you know. So here is your plan A, using your TV voice command to turn off or on the voice guide accessibility option. Ready? Here we go.

You know when you trigger the assistant on your mobile, by saying “hello Google” or “Hey Siri” depending on what platform you are using. Well, this is something similar but this time around you are going to use something other than a phrase. You will need your TV remote to pull this off.

  • On your smart TV remote control, press and hold the microphone button to keep the voice input open.
  • Say “Turn off Voice guide”. And just like that voice guide feature on your Samsung smart TV will be turned off. 
Voice Guide Accessibility Shortcut Menu
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A shorter way is to press and hold down the volume button on your Smart TV remote for a few seconds to open the TV accessibility voice settings menu.

Proceed as before to turn off Voice Guide.

Voice Guide vs Audio Description

Some old models Voice Guide feedback is known as Audio Description. There is no accessibility menu on some of these Samsung TV models. So if yours does not have, do not be scared, we can fix that.

How to turn off Audio Description

Not like Audio description is that different from voice guide feedback, but this section is to help those whose TV has a layout that is somehow different from the latest Samsung TVs these days. And you might have one too and need help. Here’s how.

A very quick way to turn this off is to press the Menu button and hold it for a few seconds. This can quickly toggle audio descriptions on or off.

If the shortcut does not work for your device, no worries, there is a longer way which I promise to make short.

  • Press the menu button to open the Settings menu.
  • Navigate to and select sound from the tabs.
  • From the sound settings menu, select broadcast.
  • Navigate to sound/sound mode on the options.
  • Now select audio language 
  • If the TV voice guide is turned on, then the audio description will be turned on. Select and choose English only and the audio description will be disabled.

Final Thoughts

Whether to enable Samsung smart TV voice guides or not depends on who is using the TV. It really has a lot of advantages, you just have to know when to use it and when not to use it.

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