Windows is one of the most popular operating systems used by computer users today. But do you know what Windows really means and what versions have there been up to now?
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Operating systems or software such as MS-DOS and Windows must exist and be installed on the computer to function properly.
However, why the heck choose Windows? What is Windows and what does it do? What versions are there and what are the advantages? Windows has any drawbacks or not?
To get to know this software better, we invite all readers to get closer to the Windows operating system.
What is Windows?
What is Windows? Here’s what Windows means:
Windows is a software made by Microsoft that offers a Graphical User Interface/GUI for easy operation. The main characteristic of Windows lies in its more practical operation than other competing systems.
Windows makes use easier because there is no need to type commands via the command line like in MS-DOS. With Windows, users can use a handy device in the form of a keyboard/mouse to carry out a task or give orders. For example, to open the menu, delete files, run applications, print documents, or do other tasks.
What are the Functions of Windows?
Before getting to know the functions of Microsoft Windows, let me ask you if you know what the function of software or OS is?
Software is used to connect hardware with other devices in the computer system so that they are integrated with each other.
So, in general, the main function of Windows on computers is also to integrate devices and applications. But not only that, Windows has several other functions for the computer operating system.
Windows functions can be seen in full below:
- For the management and control of input & output data.
- To integrate hardware, applications and other devices to connect and work stably and consistently.
- For the management and control of resources that run on computers, including hardware and software devices.
- For the management of processes or programs in one computer such as preparation; scheduling; monitoring, etc.
In addition to some of the main functions above, Windows also offers a lot of features with different functions. Windows functions and how they work can vary greatly depending on who the user is.
Versions of Windows from Time to Time
As computer software, Windows has a long history followed by technological developments in each version. Bill Gates, the inventor of Windows and the founder of Microsoft, maneuvered from 1985 until now to develop this system.
So, what is the history of windows under Bill Gates’ pioneering? Is it the same as the initial version of Windows to the latest version?
The following is a complete summary of the history of Windows plus the characteristics of each version.
1. Windows 1 (1985)
Windows 1The history of Windows begins with the release of Windows 1 Original in November 1985. This pioneering toolkit is the first attempt at a 16-bit version of the graphical interface. Some of the characteristics of Windows 1 are as follows:
- Dominate use of the mouse.
- Equipped with a game called Reversi as the icon for the version.
How to play the Reversi game which is characteristic of Windows 1 is very dependent on the use of the mouse. This is certainly not without reason. The game serves to familiarize the user to use of the mouse.
2. Windows 2 (1987)

After 2 years, Windows was further developed with the launch of Windows 2 in December 1987. Its characteristics are as follows:
- There is an increase in the system of minimization or self-maximization. Previously, this system could only be done through iconising/zooming.
- Easier to use because the control panel and other settings are combined into one.
The way Windows 2 works, which combines the control panel with other settings, persists until the current version.
3. Windows 3 (1990)

Windows 3 was launched in 1990 and became the first successful version of Windows on the market and was widespread.
This version even competes with its competitors, namely the Commodore Amiga and Macintosh (Apple Inc.).
What are the advantages of Windows 3?
- A pioneer version that uses a hard drive.
- Equipped with technology to run MS-DOS system.
- The interface offered is more colorful because it is supported by 256 colours.
- There is a card game called Solitaire.
The Solitaire game is one of the iconic Windows 3 innovations that can also be found in the current version of Windows.
4. Windows 3.1 (1992)
Windows 3 1Success with Windows 3, the corporate windows finally launched the latest version, namely Windows 3.1 in 1992. The most unique thing about this window is that there is a font called True Type. Here are other characteristics of this version of windows:
- Equipped with a program to play the Minesweeper game but it requires 1 MB RAM support to work.
- The first version of Windows that was released via CD-ROM media.
5. Windows 95 (1995)
Windows 95As the name implies, Microsoft Windows 95 is a version of windows which was launched in 1995. What is unique about this versioning system is as follows:
- There are buttons and the Start menu, provided in the lower-left corner of the screen.
- Equipped with a 32-bit system whose function is capable of multi-tasking.
- There is a taskbar that serves to facilitate the operation of the system.
- Still dominated by MS-DOS to run the program.
- Provided Internet Explorer for the first time on windows.
6. Windows 98 (1998)

Windows, which was launched in May 1998, has several new systems that are more sophisticated than before.
- The presence of Internet Explorer 4, Netshow Player, Outlook Express, Microsoft Chat and Windows Address Book.
- Netshow Player was later replaced in the 2nd Edition. In the 1999 version, it was replaced by Windows Media Player.
- The use of USB, including USB mice and USB hubs, is growing rapidly.
- There is a Windows driver model for computer accessories and components.
- This model is then used to support all versions of windows.
7. Windows Millennium Edition / Windows ME (2000)

Not a few say that windows introduced in September 2000 is not good enough.
However, there are some major innovations that have been maintained until now. The characteristics of Windows ME are as follows:
- An automatic recovery system is available.
- There are programs Windows Movie Maker, Internet Explorer 5.5, and Windows Media Player 7.
FYI, Windows Movie Maker as we know it today was introduced for the first time in 2000, namely in this ME version.
8. Windows 2000 (2000)

Launched in February of the same year, Windows 2000 is said to be a Windows ME twin. However, these windows actually became the forerunner to the development of Windows XP. The characteristics of Windows 2000 are:
- There is a hibernation system.
- The hibernation system is located together with standby, shutdown, and restart modes.
9. Windows XP (2001)

One of the most popular and preferred versions of windows is Windows XP. Windows XP is also the longest-running version after its release in 2001.
The Windows XP update was carried out after 13 years in April 2014.
Windows XP is one of the most problematic versions of windows with security even though it has a firewall feature. This is due to its popularity which invites hackers to take advantage of the XP operating system via Internet Explorer.
10. Windows Vista (2006)

Windows Vista was introduced in November 2006, about 6 years after XP. What’s so interesting about this Vista system? Here are a number of characteristics that are owned by Windows Vista.
- Its appearance is more emphasized on transparent elements such as security and search elements.
- Speech Recognition, Photo Gallery, Windows DVD Maker, IE 7 and Windows Media Player are available.
Apart from the above advantages, Windows Vista is predicted to be one of the failed Windows products.
Why? There are many problems in this operating system such as:
- There are a lot of app offerings.
- The system runs slowly, especially if it is applied to an old computer.
- Certain PCs cannot run the Windows Vista system.
11. Windows 7 (2009)

After Windows experienced many failures and received a lot of user criticism on the Vista version, it also launched Windows 7. Windows 7 was released in July 2009. In this version, Microsoft provides a better design for user convenience.
Besides being easier, the function of Windows 7 is also considered to be more stable and faster. This makes many users switch from Windows XP and Vista to Windows 7.
However, there is news that this version of Windows will soon be retired. If that’s the case, this system will no longer be usable.
12. Windows 8 (2012)

Microsoft is increasingly looking to pamper users with the launch of Windows 8 in October 2012.
What are the characteristics of this operating system? Here are some clues.
- Use of widgets to replace the list of programs on the Start button.
- The desktop display is the same as the Windows 7 display.
- Runs faster than previous versions.
- Equipped with USB 3.0 features.
13. Windows 8.1 (2013)

The original version of Windows 8 did not have a start button on the desktop. Microsoft also improved the system and released Windows 8.1 in October 2013.
In this version, there are several things that are fixed, namely:
- Returns the Start button with a new icon consisting of four windows (a flat version of Windows logo) but not accompanied by the word start.
- The location of the Start button is under Windows 8.1, in line with the system in Windows 7.
- The size of the tiles on the home screen/start screen looks more flexible and varied than the previous system.
The Start button that appears again in this system functions to help users who use a keyboard/mouse without a touch screen.
14. Windows 10 (2015)

Windows 10 is a personal computer operating system from Microsoft and is part of the Windows NT system. The version released in July 2015 has become the best platform for Microsoft’s operating system now. Windows 10 still has features that are maintained from previous versions, namely the Start button.
In addition, Windows 10 also has several advantages, which are as follows:
- The desktop display is more balanced and attractive, equipped with a virtual desktop.
- Compatible for all types of devices.
- It looks minimalist and elegant.
- There is a feature to change the keyboard system to tablet and mouse mode.
- Offers a nicer and dynamic start menu.
- Can open many applications at the same time.
- Command application is available.
- The keyboard is detachable and customizable.
With the many features available in this version, the functions of Windows 10 are considered far more capable than other versions. So many users prefer to upgrade older versions of Windows to Windows 10.
However, Windows 10 is not the final version so there will likely be many changes going forward. Windows 10 is also less easy to use, especially for ordinary people because the system is quite complicated compared to previous versions.
Windows as software plays an important role in the operation of your gadget. So it is very important to choose the best version of Windows that best suits the device you are using. Each version of Windows software also has its own advantages and disadvantages.
The key in use is safety and comfort. The choice to keep using the old version of windows or upgrade to the latest version is yours.
Alright, that’s all an explanation of the understanding of Windows and the history of the Windows operating system from TechVaz. Good luck!