Weak Vibration? Here’s How To Increase iPhone Vibration

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iPhone 11 vs iPhone XR colors

Is your iPhone vibration too weak? Do you want to intensify the vibration of your iPhone? Then stick with me as I show you a very simple way to increase iPhone Vibration.

Vibrations are an important part of any and all Smart phones, from the low-end phones to the most sophisticated and high-end devices. As long as the phone is able to make and receive phones, then it should be able to vibrate.

Vibrations alert us to an incoming call, Message or any other kind of notification depending on kind of settings you’ve put in place. There are sounds too but what if you are in a meeting? Or the background sound in a bar or club stops you from hearing your phone ring? Well, that’s where vibrations come in handy because as long the phone is on you, then you should be able to feel it.

This is why it becomes a huge problem when the vibration of our phone is too weak that you hardly feel it. Thankfully, there is a way to increase iPhone Vibration and somewhat intensify the vibration. That’s not all, you can also Customize the vibration patterns and assign different Patterns to different categories.

Weak Vibration? Here’s How To Increase iPhone Vibration

You can easily change the vibration intensity on your iPhone through the settings app without the need of Downloading a third-party app. This, however, is not the case on the Android counterpart which requires not only a third-party app but root access also to achieve this. Below is where you will see the steps to follow in order to increase iPhone Vibration.

  • Access the Settings Menu by Opening the Settings App.
  • Scroll down and Select Sounds & Haptics. (if you still on iOS 10 or below then choose Sound)
  • Choose the category you would like to increase vibrations for. (Categories like Ringtone, text tone, sent mail, calendar alerts and the rest)
  • After choosing a category, Select Vibration at the top of the screen.
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This is where you get to do the magic. Click on Create New Vibration to create a new vibration pattern and increase the strength and intensity as you want. Save the vibration with a name and assign it to whichever category you want.

One thing I like about this is the fact that you get to Customize vibrations patterns, intensity, and strength for each and every category you want. You can decide to set the alarm vibration on low so when it vibrates in the morning, it doesn’t shake the whole bed/bedstead but vibrates modestly.

There’s still more

You can set a particular kind of vibration for individual contacts so when someone calls you, you can tell the person just from the way your phone vibrates. To do this go to your Contacts >> Select A Contact >> Tap Edit at the top right corner >> Select either Ringtone or Text Tone >> Tap Vibration and from here, you can choose if you want to use a standard vibration or an already Customized vibration, then Select and Save.


Now that you know how to Customize your iPhone Vibration to your preference. If you come across any problem while Customizing or increasing your iPhone Vibration, do not hesitate to drop a comment down below and I’ll reply as soon as possible.

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  1. No help at all. I’d already added my own rhythms but they’re all far too weak and next to useless. It needs a Vibration Power Level control. I muss calls all the time with the stupid thing.

  2. The same issue is existing on iPhone 13 pro. Without a phone case, I put it on a hard surface, but the vibration was too soft to notice. If I put it in a protection case, I couldn’t detect any vibration even the phone was right in front of me. Vibration on iPhone 6 was weak, but it gets worse on iPhone 13.
    Currently, I cannot find any app nor setting that can fix it.
    It’s a bad design because it’s one of the basic features of a cell phone.

  3. iPhone 11: I see and understand the customize vibration patterns, but not seeing ability to INCREASE intensity and strength of ANY vibration. Is it available with the iPhone 11? Vibration way too weak…


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