What is a VPN, how it works and why you should have one?


    If you are concerned about online security and have never thought about having a VPN, it may be time to consider it. VPN prices are falling and VPN apps are getting better and better, so in this article, we’ll discuss what a VPN is, how it works and why you should have one.

    What is a VPN?

    VPN is synonymous with virtual private network and is a service that provides a secure Internet connection using private networks in remote locations. Using a VPN service can make it seem like you are accessing the Internet from a completely different location, helping you maintain security and privacy online, among other things.

    What is a VPN app?

    A VPN app brings the above service to your smartphone. Just install a VPN app, select a location and your online activity will appear to take place in that region.

    Why should I want a VPN?

    First of all, for more privacy. VPNs can help control the information that companies or government are trying to collect. It can also encrypt data so that your online activity is not visible.

    Regardless of how much you worry about online privacy, there is a key take away- your online activity is recorded in many places, by many services, and will be less visible if you use a VPN.

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    The second reason why you might want a VPN is to access streaming video websites that otherwise wouldn’t be possible. You’re on holiday in Bangkok, but you want to keep watching that TV series you liked on Netflix at home. Generally, it would not be possible to access it in another country, but a VPN app would allow you to do so.

    A VPN can also be used to avoid price discrimination, masking your position and making it harder to track you down.

    Am I using an illegal VPN?

    In some countries, such as China, North Korea, and Iran, it is illegal to use a VPN, but in most Western territories (including the United States and the United Kingdom) it is perfectly legal. VPNs are often used by companies, schools, and universities to allow people to access their resources when they are not there.

    We are often asked if it is legal to stream movies and TV shows in other countries.

    Netflix said about this issue- “Customers who use the services to change the IP location of their computers to view the content available in other regions [act] against our terms of use”.

    What a VPN app won’t do

    There are VPNs that claim that they can improve download and browsing speed. However, VPNs actually reduce these things because there is an additional step in re-routing your connection.

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    Moreover, some suggest that they can make you completely anonymous- this is almost always false. It is certainly possible to get a more private connection, but complete anonymity is really difficult to achieve online.

    How to set up a VPN on Android

    Outside of apps, you can still use web-based VPNs on Android if you have IDs, make sure you know what they are or can access them before you start.

    As always, the steps in the settings and the names of each section may vary depending on the Android device. With Android stock, the procedure is as follows:

    1. Go to the settings > other> VPN and press the upper right button.
    2. Tap the Name box and choose a name for the VPN.
    3. In the Type box, choose a type of VPN that matches your VPN server.
    4. Enter the server address.
    5. Leave the PPP encryption box checked.
    6. Press Save and you will be redirected to the original VPN menu.
    7. Touch your new VPN and enter the username you chose and the password.


    Apart from the cost, there are not many negative aspects to using a VPN. Ultimately, online threats are real, and because we use our smartphones to access the Internet in many locations, we should make them as safe as possible.

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    What are your views on the VPN and VPN app? Are you worried about the dangers that can be faced on the internet? Let us know in the comments.


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