What is an Android custom ROM?

What is an Android custom ROM
What is an Android custom ROM

Although they are not as popular as they used to be, Custom ROMs are still part of the Android landscape, mainly due to OEMs who sometimes stop updating their devices too soon. Today we will try to explain what a custom ROM is and also why install one. We also explain what risks you may encounter during installation.

What is a custom ROM?

ROM means read-only memory, it simply means a memory full of non-volatile information, unlike RAM. First of all, you should know that a custom ROM can be called in different ways, the most common being “Custom ROM”.

Users have translated the term, you can find this concept under the names “custom ROM”, “alternative ROM”, “alternative system” or “custom system”.

On the Android operating system, there are usually two types of ROMs- those provided by the producers (the official ones) and those that hackers or simply developers create for the community.

The installation of an official ROM is very simple in general it is sufficient to follow the instructions provided by the device manufacturers.

There are three types of official ROMs:

  • Official ROMs that install automatically after restarting the device.
  • Official ROMs that are installed manually in Download mode. (previously downloaded)
  • Official ROMs that are installed manually via recovery. (using a .ZIP file)
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Sometimes it’s simple, sometimes it’s complicated, the installation of a custom ROM can be performed in different ways.

For connoisseurs, installing a custom ROM is just a formality, but it can quickly turn into a nightmare for a beginner.

Installing a ROM does not require root. From the moment you install a custom recovery, you can install any custom ROM compatible with your device.

However, it is very easy to find a custom ROM that includes options that require superuser privileges (root).

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Why install a custom ROM?

Why install a custom ROM?

Usually, if a user chooses to install an alternative operating system, it is because they want a newer version of Android.

The reason? Once a manufacturer has abandoned the software update, the only solution is to install a custom ROM that can extend the life of your Android for several months, and sometimes for years!

Among the most popular and compatible Custom ROMs, we can mention LineageOS heir to the throne after the disappearance of CyanogenMod, but there are many others like Paranoid Android or OmniROM.

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There are others less well known but still offer broad compatibility with interesting features- SlimRoms, Dirty Unicorns, PAC ROM …

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Depending on your terminal, you can choose which ROM to install on your device.

On this blog or on the XDA Developers forum you will find lots of customized ROMs based on all the operating systems released by Google so far.

What are the risks?

From the moment you install a custom ROM on your device, there are inevitably risks. By installing a custom ROM on Android, keep in mind that you lose the warranty on the software side, but not on the hardware part.

And if you have a hardware problem, remember that you will need to be able to restore your system to its original state so that the warranty is valid again.

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Last but not least, if you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s best to call one of your friends who knows.

We are never too careful, an error could ruin our device irreparably.

From this moment on, keep in mind that it is always better to inform yourself, before doing dangerous operations on your ANDROID device.


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