Top 10 WhatsApp Font Tricks you didn’t know exist

Although video and audio calls remain an integral part of WhatsApp, sending text messages remains ever constant. For me, even when I feel tired and think to myself I have no energy to type, I still end up typing the text messages on WhatsApp because that’s the best way for me to express myself.

Sending messages to your friends through text will never become obsolete on the platform as it has come to stay. Messages conveyed through the text are still very powerful and intact.

That is why I’m outlining the 10 most important WhatsApp font trick that anyone using social media known as WhatsApp need to know. Read on to get some cool font tips and tricks to add a more dramatic effect to your messages.

1. Make text bold

Bold Text
Bold Text

I know you must bet this is the first to be discussed. Making text bold is not only important to make titles stand out, you need them in order to make a critical point.

To accomplish that purpose, just add an asterisk (*) before and after the group of text you want to appear bold. So, in the following statement: I like this *Bold* statement. The word “Bold” will come out bold.

2. Make text italic


There are times you feel you should italicize a word or a group of words. To do so, you only need to add underscore before and after the text, you want to appear in Italics. To underscore, look for the dash that goes like the following: “_” to achieve this, you have to check your smartphone for the right symbol. If you’re on the laptop, press and hold the shift key, then press the dash sign.

3. Change font Monospace

Monospace Style
Monospace Style

It is another way of impressing a point on the minds of others. For me, I just like variety, so I make use of it sometimes, for variety is the spice of life.

To change font entirely, you need to enclose the text you want to change the fonts put the text inside three backticks (“`) on both sides and you will see the result. There should be no space between the words and the backtick.

4. Change text format

Combined Styling
Combined Styling

You can make use of WhatsApp options to reach your goal in this case. It is better to use the built-in settings found on WhatsApp. Here’s how to do it on Android:

  • Tap and hold the message. You will see that one or more of the words will be highlighted. Use hand to spread it accordingly. Some options will show.
  • Choose the appropriate formatting option if the option you want is not shown. You will see Monospace and others.

On iOS, you can do the following:

  • Tap and hold the text
  • Select the that says BIU
  • Choose the formatting option as you wish. You will see bold, italic, strikethrough, and monospace.

5. Strikethrough message

Whatsapp Text Strikethrough
Whatsapp Text Strikethrough

A strikethrough is also used to present a dramatic message, not to talk of when you want to mention an amount of money with the naira sign.

To add a strikethrough, just place a tilde (~) on both sides of the text and everything is okay as long as there’s no space.

6. You can combine formatting options

Combine Font Styles

This tip helps you to combine different formatting options and use them at once. This formatting option may apply to a word or a group of texts. In other words, you may want to make the text bold, at the same time italic, and also apply monospace to it.

What you need to do is enclose the respective text in the right symbols, and everything will be fine. Take note that as you enclose the text with the symbols, you follow the right rules, such as the first symbol is the last on the other side.

So, for example, *`_ bold word_`* must be like this for it to work.

7. Change font size

Change Font Size

You may not like the default size of WhatsApp text. If it bothers you, you can change things to make them look the way you love. WhatsApp offers a setting to make that happen. For now, this only works on Android devices.

Take note of the following steps:

  • Tap on the three dots you see when you open WhatsApp. Find it at the right-hand top of the page.
  • Select Settings from the menu.
  • You will see Chats. Click on it and scroll down to Font Size. Tap on it to reveal three options: small, medium, and large. I use the medium size on my Android.

8. Colorful messages

Bluewords App
Bluewords App

You have the ability to change text color in WhatsApp if you’re using an Android device. To do this, you need to download and install a third-party app called BlueWords. It is the only other app you need to make your texts blue since WhatsApp itself doesn’t support changing your text colors.

Click here to download BlueWords

Once you install the app, follow the instructions below:

  • Enter the text that you want the color changed in the app.
  • Tap the Blue option, and touch the text to copy it.
  • Go back to WhatsApp and paste the text that was copied.

9. Use stylish fonts

Bluewords 1

Do you want to use other fonts apart from monospace? Unfortunately, WhatsApp doesn’t allow that. However, BlueWords does allow you to choose more font options and use them on WhatsApp.

Check all the options available for fonts on the app, and just enter the text. Simply copy the changed text and paste it on WhatsApp, and you’re done. This app offers many options you can use to fine-tune your WhatsApp messages.

You also have this option to use in your status messages. Simply use the app to change the font, copy, and paste the changed text on WhatsApp status and that’s it.

10. Use Emojis


This tip is so cool. It enables you to type everything in emojis. It is cool for special messages. For it, you need a third-party app as well. The one I recommend is Emoji Letter Maker.

Follow the instructions below to achieve your aim:

  • Open the Emoji Letter Maker
  • Enter the letters and emojis you want
  • Use the Settings (plus icon) to modify it and share it with others on WhatsApp

Download the Emoji Letter Maker


Isn’t it cool that your WhatsApp can be a powerful tool to send messages in various styles? Try to make use of these tips above and add spice to your life and that of others to whom you regularly send messages.

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)