Windows cannot be installed on this unit, how to fix it

Windows Error
Windows Error

A GPT partition type is set for the selected disk. Usually, this is the problem we encounter when we go to perform a fresh installation of Windows, even on a blank disk. This type of error, Windows cannot be installed in this unit, I found it in front of me while I was about to install Windows on a completely empty Free DOS computer.

As soon as I turned on the computer I found myself in front of Free DOS asking me to enter the date and time, but a little voice said that there was something strange, then I got on the computer and did some research on Google. Oops, if you have come to look for how to solve this error, it means that you have already taken the first steps.

Windows cannot be installed on this unit, how to fix it

So let’s see how to solve the problem “Can’t Install Windows on Disk?”, Because it is not an error but to make a configuration change to perform a new installation of Windows. Follow the procedure below carefully, and you will see that you will solve the problem in a moment.

If you are trying to install Windows on your computer and you get the error ” Windows cannot be installed on this disk, the selected disk has a GPT partition style “, it means that you will have to make some appropriate changes to install the operating system on your new computer.

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This occurs when the hard drive partition does not match that of the bootable USB device that contains the operating system installation files. GPT is a partition table system introduced in new BIOS-based UEFI-type systems.

This style of partitions is recommended in new generation equipment and for hard disks with large storage capacities, as it allows us to perform multiple primary partitions on them (up to 128) and offers greater security against disk format loss because it replicates the partition table both at the beginning and at the end of the drive.

The solution in these cases is similar and we will see all the possibilities below.

  1. Start the Windows installation routine.
  2. When the “Where do you want to install Windows?” The screen appears, load the SAS driver from the USB key as required. If the drive exceeds 2 TB and needs to be converted to GPT, go to the next section.
  3. On the next screen, the hard drive and any previous partitions are displayed. If the drive does not appear, verify that you have installed the correct SAS driver.
  4. If the previous partitions are shown, highlight them one by one and click on Delete until you have only one partition with the caption “Unallocated space”.
  5. Click New, a partition of the appropriate size should be displayed. Click OK and you should see 3 partitions- a 100 MB system partition, a 128 MB MSR for GPT, and the large partition.
  6. Highlight the partition of large templates
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If the Windows error cannot be installed on this drive, how to fix it still occurs, or if the drive needs to be converted to GPT, do the following:

  1. When the “Where do you want to install Windows?” Screen appears, load the SAS driver from the USB key as usual. The unit should be displayed in the window.
  2. Press Shift + F10 or if it doesn’t work Fn + Shift + F10. The Shift key stands for the uppercase key.
  3. At the command prompt, type diskpart and press Enter.
  4. Once Diskpart is loaded, type list disk and press Enter.
  5. Locate the hard drive by size. It will have a number next to it (typically 0 or 1). Type select disk # and press Enter (# is the hard drive number).
  6. Type clean and press Enter. A message indicating the success of the cleanup should be displayed.
  7. Type convert gpt and press Enter. A message indicating the successful conversion should be displayed. Type exit and press Enter, then close the command window.
  8. Click on Update. Only one drive should be displayed, listed as Unallocated Space.
  9. Highlight the drive and click New. The appropriate size should be displayed. Click on OK; you should see 3 partitions- one 100 MB system partition, one 128 MB system partition, and the large partition.
  10. Highlight the large partition and click Update. This should bind the SAS driver back to the drive. Click Next to start the process.
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These are the fastest methods to fix the error Windows cannot be installed on this unit, how to fix it while installing Windows on our computer. With these methods, you will have no problem installing Windows. In case you still can’t, leave us a comment so we can help you.


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