Last week, Qualcomm officially launched the Snapdragon 845 processor, and it will be used on many flagships next year. Not only the Galaxy S9 but Xiaomi Mi 7 is also believed to be equipped with the Snapdragon 845 processor.
According to gizchina, recent reports show that Xiaomi Mi 7 will add the Plus version, i.e., Mi 7+ expected the machine would have a larger screen, but the design remains similar to Mi 7.
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Mi 7 and Mi 7+ will be launched in March 1818, running the Snapdragon 845. The Mi 7’s price is reported at $ 408 ($ 9.2 million), Mi7 Plus’s $ 454. About 10.3 million).
Up to this point, Mi 7 rumored to be equipped with a 5.65-inch screen, Mi 7+ is 6.01 inch. Both will feature a spill-resistant screen with 18 – 9 aspect ratio, metal frame, glass back, and wireless charging.
Also, the Mi 7 will have a capacity of 3,200 mAh, Mi 7+ with 3,500 mAh battery, lowest capacity RAM 6 GB, dual camera 12 MP + 20 MP back.