Add security on Twitter – enable two-step authentication

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Surely you want to get the maximum possible security in your Twitter account now that it has been shown that the vulnerability of this social network is high (they have hacked the company’s CEO’s own). One of the things you can do is set the authentication in two steps to, in this way, have an additional protection gateway that makes you calmer.

This means that you have to take an additional step when accessing from places that are not usual, using the mobile device you have, which ensures that third parties cannot enter your Twitter account if they do not have your smartphone. It is true that it is somewhat tedious to have to take an additional step, but the security offered by this makes it advisable to use it especially if you have data that is important in the account you have and even if you give it an eminently professional use. Therefore, it is recommended.

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In addition, carrying out the process is something that is included among the options that by default exist on Twitter, so you do not have to resort to third parties, which could make more than one suspect. Besides, and this is important if you are not convinced by what you have done, it is possible to reverse the situation simply by deactivating two-step authentication.

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Steps to enable two-step authentication on Twitter

If you want to make use of this option offered by the company that has created the social network, what you have to do is quite simple and, as will be verified, in a matter of five minutes at most, you will get that the security of your account increases in a way exponential . This is what you have to do using the Twitter client for mobile devices:

  • Open the application on your mobile device and look for the icon of your account that is represented by the image you selected (it is in the upper left)
  • Now select the Settings and privacy option from the menu that opens
  • The next thing you have to do is choose Account – which is the first option available – and then select Security
  • A new screen appears in which you have to make use of Login verification and activate the box you will see below
  • You will have to enter your password and now you must click on Send code so that it appears on your device
  • Once this is done, you will have two-step authentication enabled on Twitter


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