How To Activate NHC Prepaid Meter For The First Time

Activate NHC Prepaid Meter
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Are you finding it hard to activate your NHC prepaid meter after installing it? If yes, then this article can definitely help. Fortunately for you, the process is not complicated if you adhere to the right instructions below. See How To Activate NHC Prepaid Meter For The First Time:

Activate NHC Prepaid Meter
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How Can I Activate NHC Prepaid Meter For The First Time?

  1. Make sure power is restored in your area before anything else.
  2. Put in the batteries in your (UIU box) monitor and ensure the UIU is connected to the meter.
  3. Enter the meter number and press enter.
  4. Enter the first 20 digits of the IKEDC prepaid meter token and press enter.
  5. Enter the second 20 digit and press enter.
  6. Enter your recharge pin and press enter.
  7. Power will be restored in your home.

Be aware that you should follow steps 2,3 & 6 if you are yet to receive the 40 digit activation pin.

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How Can I Know When My NHC Prepaid Meter Has Been Activated?

When the activation process is done, an SMS will be sent to your mobile device.

Cost Of Your NHC Electric Prepaid Meter

Be aware that your NHC prepaid meter is not free. According to NERC, customers are meant to pay for the prepaid meters either upfront or in installments. A single-phase prepaid meter goes for N38,350 while a three-phase prepaid meter costs N70,350 with VAT included.

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How Can I Apply For NHC Prepaid Meter Online?

  1. Head to IKEDC site
  2. Type in your meter number- New customers should type in their meter account to search for their profile.
  3. Complete KYC process: Here, you will have to complete/update your details on the webpage to start the account survey process.
  4. Debt repayment agreement: Customers must pay up their unsettled bills before they will be given their meter. Unsettled balances can be rolled into the customer’s prepaid account and paid in installments in line with IKEDC’s repayment options.
  5. Meter payment and installation: All payments should be made to into authorized bank accounts as advised by the MAP. Customers should not pay in cash for their NHC meter to any individual to avoid getting duped.
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That is that.


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