How To Leave Group Text On iPhone Xs, Xs Max and Xr

iPhone Xs and Xs Max
iPhone Xs and Xs Max

If you would like to leave group text on iPhone Xs, Xs Max or Xr then keep on reading as i show you how to do just that. The group text on the iPhone Xs, Xs Max and Xr makes it possible for a group of people to discuss using the iMessage app on their phones. It can be used for school, work or any other conversation that involves the input of more than two people or have a message passed across more than one person. However, when the messages from these groups conversations becomes too much, it can get pretty annoying.

Especially if you’re doing something Important on your phone and the notifications from the group text just keeps showing up on your screen. In this case, you have only two options. You can either mute the group texts messages which will not keep the messages from those groups text from coming in but keep them from showing up on your screen. This way, when you’re free, you can go to the group text and see all the messages that had been posted since you last opened the group text.

To do that, you can simply open the Group Chat/text in your iMessage app and Tap on details on the top center of the screen. Navigate to the Do Not Disturb option and turn it on. Once you do that, you’ll still be a part of the group text and still receive messages but those messages won’t show up on your notifications. You’ll have to open the iMessage app and go to the group chat to see the messages. If you would like to take a more drastic move, you can completely leave the group chat. To do that, follow the steps below.

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How To Leave Group Text On iPhone Xs, iPhone Xs Max, and iPhone Xr

  • Open the iMessage app and Locate the group chat. Click on it and tap on Details at the top of your phone screen.
  • Doing that will bring out the list of the members in the group chat along with all the media files that has been shared in group.

  • Above the media files is where you’ll see the option to “Leave this conversation”

  • Click on it and you will be removed from the group chat and will no longer receive messages from the group chat anymore.


That’s how to leave group text on iPhone Xs, iPhone Xs Max and iPhone Xs. Now you leave those annoying group chat or just mute them if you still want to be in the group chat.



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