Best Fix for Ticketmaster error code 0002 We could not process your request try again later

Fix For Ticketmaster Error Code 0002
Fix For Ticketmaster Error Code 0002

Booking a ticket online and you are having issues? Learn how to fix Ticketmaster error code 0002.

One cannot deny the ease that comes with being able to avoid long queues that have to be navigated to buy tickets for an event during a rush. From the comfort of your home, a button can get it done for you.

About Ticketmaster

Ticketmaster is an online sales and distribution platform where people can buy or sell tickets for events. Based in California, Ticketmaster makes it possible for people to book tickets online for events near them, like sports events, theatre tickets, arts, and other events that require tickets.


People hosting or organizing events can also put up their tickets for bookings on Ticketmaster.

Recently, while trying to book tickets on the platform, some people encounter an error and that is what we are going to look at and also fix. But first, what are we dealing with?

Ticketmaster Screenshot

What is Ticketmaster error code 0002?

Ticketmaster error code 0002 is an error that occurs in the process of booking an event ticket on Ticketmaster, making you unable to finish the booking process. When this error occurs, the prompt “Ticketmaster error code 0002 We could not process your request try again later” is usually displayed on the screen.

Error Code 0002

Causes of Ticketmaster error code 0002

This error can happen for several different reasons.

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One notorious reason for getting the error code 0002 is a crowded server. You have heard of event tickets fully sold out within hours, and we all know what happens when a large crowd is trying to do the same thing at the same time. During such a rush, the Ticketmaster server can be down due to a lot of load on it, hence the error while trying to book.

Another reason one might get the error code 0002 is the use of a VPN or Proxy or a public network. Websites such as Ticketmaster always have some security checks in place against threats and sometimes, access via a proxy or VPN is seen as suspicious, hence one being unable to book a ticket. Also, there can be restrictions against the use of public wifi connections and one might also get the error code if you are using such.

Corrupted browser cache or cookies on the web browser can cause an error too. Instead of decreasing the loading time, a corrupted cache can cause the browser to display data incorrectly or even crash, hence the error code.

How to Fix error code 0002

  • First thing first, check your internet connection. It is possible that in the process of booking your ticket, there might be an issue with your internet connection. While it is easy for one to point out when they are offline, a slow internet connection can also be responsible for getting error codes especially when it comes to the payment process. A stable network connection is required to avoid any incomplete transaction. To fix Ticketmaster error code 0002, try disconnecting and reconnecting to your internet access and see if it works. Or better still, switch to another internet connection.
  • If your internet connection is fine and you still get the error code is to check if the server is down. This will save you the stress of going through fruitless attempts to try and fix it because once the server is down, there is nothing you can do about it until it is back up. To check if the server is down, check Ticketmaster’s social media accounts for posts relating to such issues. If there is none, then it’s likely that the server is still online and you can proceed to try other ways.
  • Clear your browser cache or cookies. If corrupted browser cache data is the reason you are getting the error code 0002, clearing cache data will cause the browser to fully load the page all over instead of relying on corrupt cache files which can cause it to crash even.
  • Another way of solving the error code 0002 without having to clear your browser cache or cookies over suspicion that they are corrupt is to open the Ticketmaster website in incognito mode. In incognito mode, the browser accesses the internet as completely anonymous and does not use any stored data. Hence corrupt cache or cookies will not have any effect as they will not be used in incognito mode.
  • Log out and log in again. Try signing out and then sign in to your account again on Ticketmaster after clearing the browser cache. After that try purchasing a ticket again.
  • Instead of using a shared link to an event you are trying to book, there might be some issues with the link, search for the event on Ticketmaster using the search button and then proceed to book your tickets. 
  • Turn off or disable Proxy or VPN if you are using one. As earlier said, some websites might treat this as suspicious. If that be the case, disabling it will resolve the issue.
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If you have tried and you are still getting the error code, then try using a different browser, the one you are using may have a bug.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to clear browser cache?

Depending on your browser, the procedure might be different.

If you are using Chrome, from any page or tab you are currently on, open options (usually represented by three vertical dots). Navigate to Settings, then privacy and security. Now click on clear browsing data and select accordingly, what you want to clear.

Chrome, Clear Browsing Data

If you are using Mozilla Firefox, its options button is represented by three vertical lines. Go to settings as earlier and select the privacy and security option. Click on clear data underneath the cookies and site data section. Proceed to select what you want to clear by checking the box.

The procedure for other browsers will not be far-fetched from this.

Final thoughts

It is always better to use mobile applications developed by the platform Offering the online service. The mobile app is usually a dedicated browser dedicated to their website, hence is void of errors that can be caused by third-party browser usage. They also have a system of sending feedback to the programmers to fix in subsequent updates. So for a better experience, use the Ticketmaster mobile app.

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