Common iOS 12 Issues – Solutions to the most common bugs

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    Have you noticed any problems and delays of the iPhone after updating to iOS 12? iPad does not work properly with iOS 12? Is the Wi-Fi connection slow with the new operating system? Such important software updates often lead to the emergence of various bugs, this guide is designed to suggest some solutions to the common problems of iOS 12 so you can try them immediately before contacting Apple support or downgrading to the previous version.

    iOS 12 – how to solve frequent problems

    There is nothing more annoying than installing a long-awaited software update and finding yourself with a device full of problems – if you also find yourself in this situation and the iPhone or iPad does not work well after upgrading to iOS 12, continue read the paragraphs of this article where I propose some solutions to common problems of iOS 12 that have had a positive outcome with many users in your same condition.

    Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

    A malfunction of the Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connection is one of the most frequent and annoying iOS 12 problems since the user often finds himself having to re-enter the data to access the wireless network or the iPhone suddenly disconnects from the Bluetooth devices or the Wi-Fi router that provides internet connection.

    A solution to this iOS 12 bug is to try to reset the network settings of the device – this procedure will not delete data from the device but will delete all network preferences, so you will have to manually re-enter all the passwords of the wireless networks you use.

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    To restore network settings, open the iOS Settings and go to Restore> Restore Network Settings. Be sure to select this option and not others to avoid unintentional data loss. Confirm the operation and after a few moments, iPhone or iPad will restart – when the device is ready again you will have to select again your Bluetooth devices and Wi-Fi networks.

    Battery is quickly discharged

    The installation of iOS 12 has halved the battery life – almost certainly, the release of a new minor version will be decisive for this bug. Meanwhile, try to find a solution by updating all installed applications and increase the battery life of iPhone and iPad – turn off unnecessary notifications, adjust the screen brightness and disable continuous updates in the background are three habits that drastically improve the autonomy of iDevice.

    Apps close and crash by themselves

    One of the most common and annoying problems, but fortunately easy to solve. If you have not updated the apps installed to the latest version before switching to iOS 12 it is very likely that they will suddenly close or not start. To solve the problem, update the iPhone and iPad applications at the same time – if the problem persists, try to completely uninstall an application and install it again by downloading it from the store.

    If this solution does not give rise to a positive result, you will probably have to wait for the release of a new version of the application as incompatible with iOS 12.

    Cellular data does not activate

    An annoying bug that can occur after installing iOS 12 to a small number of users, cellular data does not work even if the toggle is regularly active and the SIM works correctly.

    iPhone and iPad slow

    If you have a very dated iPhone or iPad, maybe a “borderline” model among those listed in the list of devices supported by iOS 12, this problem is frequent and very often without solution except through downgrade and back to the previous version.

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    On the contrary, if you have an iPhone 7, iPhone X or iPhone 8, you should not encounter any problems – turn off and on the device again, finally close and update all applications and try to free the memory of the device obtaining at least 5GB of free space.

    Mandatory verification AppStore

    Finally, although not frequently, the last problem reported by some users who update to iOS is the mandatory verification of the billing information provided to use the App Store. Even if in your case there are no problems related to defaults or invalid payment methods.

    iPhone does not turn on or restart continuously

    This is a less frequent but very serious problem – if after the installation of iOS 12 the iPhone has stopped working and no sign of life, then you have to make sure that the battery and the hardware of the device is fully functional, that the update was successful and did not cause a brick (very likely if you have interrupted the update procedure). Take a look at the TechVaz guide on how to restore a dead iPhone for many distressed readers with similar problems.

    Update iOS 12 to the latest version

    It is very common that the first release of iOS 12 presents numerous problems compared to what the company promised; it is usually a justifiable phenomenon when the same version will be used by millions of users with different habits and devices. In this case, an always valid solution is to check the release of later minor versions useful for resolving the bugs reported by users – then check via Settings> General> Software update  or by connecting the device to iTunes, the release of a new version ( eg 11.0.1 or 11.1) and install it after making a full backup – almost certainly the update will be able to solve the most common problems of iOS 12 and allow a smoother use of the device.

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    If your defect found after the update does not appear in this list of common problems of iOS 12, I invite you to send me an e-mail through the contact page reporting the bug; if a solution is available, the article will be updated with the procedure to be performed.

    iOS 12 problems after the upgrade – restore or downgrade?

    It’s not always that simple to solve common problems with a software update, so if the solutions to the frequent bugs of iOS 12 reported in this guide were not useful to solve your situation, in addition to waiting for the release of a new version of iOS 12 as suggested in the previous paragraph, you just have to opt for total recovery or downgrade to the previous version (if it is still possible).

    As for the complete recovery, this provides the total formatting of the device and then the loss of all the data contained in it – make a backup before proceeding with the recovery so as to ensure you keep photos, videos, contacts, calendars, and other data intact and always recoverable. Next, you can do a simple restore via iOS from Settings> General> Restore> Initialize content and settings or restore with iTunes.

    The last alternative is the downgrade – so the transition from iOS 12 to iOS 11.4.1  if the new version is completely unstable on your device because it is too dated. Apple usually allows to return to the previous version of an operating system only in the first days after the first release, subsequently, the certificates are blocked and it is no longer possible to go back with official procedures. So if you are convinced that iOS 12 is not suitable for your device, reinstall iOS 11.4.1 – the downgrade involves the total loss of all data, then make a backup before starting the procedure.


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