As you already know, WhatsApp is one of the most popular chat applications across the globe, with over two billion users around the world in 2025. However, one rampant question users have about WhatsApp is if it is possible to know who has viewed your profile at any point in time.
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If you also want to know if you can view anyone checking you out or stalking you on the app, or if you wish to know if you can control the other users that can see your status or updates, we will break everything down in this tutorial in ways you will understand. See How To Tell Who Viewed Your WhatsApp Profile:
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Can I See Who Viewed My WhatsApp Profile?
If you are bothered about who is viewing your WhatsApp profile, the fact is that the information cannot be viewed. If you are not aware, WhatsApp does not keep logs of who has viewed whose profile. Profile visits are not counted or shown, but there are applications that claim to be able to give you this information, even if it’s all lies.
To be sincere, there are no applications for this since WhatsApp is a basic use app. All users have a status, but unlike popular social media platforms, you don’t post pictures or try to attract likes from outsiders. Sadly or fortunately (depending on how you see privacy), it is just not possible to see if anyone has viewed your profile or not.
Can I See Who Is Stalking Me On Whatsapp?
The answer to this is both yes and no. You will only know who is stalking you if you have been added by them already. Since WhatsApp is an uncomplicated app, if anyone wants to talk to you, they can simply call or send you an SMS if you are in their contacts or if they can find you through a search.
As for your stalking fears, since WhatsApp isn’t a social media app, asides from watching your status, there is no information for a stalker to collect, and there is no way to know that they are paying attention. However, if you are really bothered about a stalker, then you should take personal steps to fish them out.
Can I See When Someone Has Viewed My WhatsApp Story?
The answer to this question is “Yes” if you and the other party enable receipts, it is very possible. Whatsapp is all about fairness, therefore if they can see who has viewed your story, you can see theirs too. If you prefer to remain private, however, do not enable this option.
- Head to your “Privacy Settings” by heading to your “Settings” tab.
- Head to the bottom of the page and tap “Read receipts.”
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After you activate “Read receipts,” both you and the other person who has enabled receipts will be able to view each other’s WhatsApp story. This is useful if you are bothered about a stalker since if the other person has his or her read receipts on, you will see how often they are looking at your story.
That is that.