Submit A Guest Article

TechVaz is a leading technology site with passionate writers and lovely readers. Do you wish to share your knowledge or experience with our audience on TechVaz today and get your products and services viewed by hundreds of thousands of users? We are glad to inform you that we accept and feature quality and original posts on this website.

Our Requirements

There are certain requirements you need to meet before contributing to our blog and they are listed below:

  1. You must be a good writer and be able to come up with well-researched articles.
  2. You’re expected to be a blogger, not an SEO content writer; we do not allow SEO content writers

Content Submission Rules

In order to ensure the content on this website is of premium quality and benefits our readers, there are just a few rules and guidelines we’ve put in place:

  • We only accept original articles.
  • We do NOT allow dofollow link(s) in guest articles, and any link added must be relevant to the article.
  • Your post MUST be 1200 words or above.
  • Articles submitted to us must be free from grammatical errors.
  • Relevant images must be used in the post where necessary.
  • Any link within the article linking to some articles on our site must be relevant to the article.
  • After publishing, the article is ours and may not appear anywhere else.
  • We will contact you whether or not the post will be published.

Topics We Accept

This blog is about technology but then, technology is a very wide subject and it’s impossible to cover everything. We accept articles on a pre-defined number of topics:

  • Smartphones
  • PC
  • Televisions
  • Cameras
  • Smartwatches
  • Gaming
  • How-to’s
  • Telecommunications

We may not really accept articles outside these as we tend to keep things moderate. Only fill the post submission form below:

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After successfully sending the article using the above form, you can then send us attachments of the article via admin[@] (without the [] sign)