Samsung Galaxy Labs – the app you need on your smartphone!

Samsung Galaxy Labs
Samsung Galaxy Labs

Each smartphone has its advantages and in the case of Samsung, the additional features are really many. An excellent example of this is the Samsung Galaxy Labs. In practice, it is a set of modules that allow you to optimize various aspects of the device. From battery management to improving app performance. Now, and thanks to a new update, there are new features in Galaxy Labs. Not only what already existed is better, but two new modules have been added.

Samsung Galaxy Labs- the app you need on your smartphone!

The Android Police website says that one of the modules is called Memory Guardian, or if you prefer, in Portuguese, Memory Guardian. In practice, it helps us to understand what is taking the memory of the new smartphone. In the meantime, in this module, everything is divided so that we know what is occupying what. Thus, we can see what occupies the system, running apps and cached processes. In the meantime, we can also see a usage history and clear the memory.

Samsung Memory Guardian
Samsung Memory Guardian

In addition, Galaxy Labs also have a module called Thermal Guardian. The purpose of the name is to prevent the smartphone from overheating. However, it is possible to adjust the height at which the equipment starts to slow down to limit the temperature rise.

Samsung Thermal Guardian
Samsung Thermal Guardian

However, in the new version of Galaxy Labs, some existing modules have also been improved. That said, the battery tracking system has had minor visual changes. Meanwhile, the seven-day chart also shows the use of the screen. Then there were some more improvements to guarantee more autonomy for the equipment. In other words, everything is better in this new version and if you have a Galaxy smartphone you should really use it.

To download this update for Galaxy Labs you only have to go to the Galaxy Store.


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