How to repair a phone damaged by water

The world suddenly freezes when you see your phone falling into the water, you start screaming like crazy- “I dropped my phone in the water!” Whether it’s a pool or a bathroom, the only thing you have to think about now is to be as fast as possible.

After all, it is a high-tech device that is probably worth more than hundreds of euros, and the chances are very high that you will no longer be able to use it. That is, unless you fell one of those fantastic waterproof smartphones, like Huawei P30 Pro or Samsung Galaxy S10.

phone damaged by water

It is true that more and more phone manufacturers have been releasing waterproof phones in recent years, and this trend seems to be increasing more and more. However, not all of us can afford to buy a waterproof phone and that means we have to resort to other methods.

The best way to prevent water damage is to take preventive action, the most important prevention in these cases is to use a cover that more or less waterproofs your technology diary.

phone damaged in water

And if it was already too late? Let’s start by saying that saving a phone damaged by water is practically like throwing a coin. Nothing can guarantee that the device is actually saved. And if the phone has already been damaged, chances are high that the damage will be permanent. Regardless, often the stars align and end up saving that precious technology that contains all your important data and connects you to the world.

With the help of the following suggestions, we aim to increase the likelihood that your phone will be saved.

SEE ALSO- Your iPhone X Fell Into Water? Here’s what to do to fix it

hair dryer

Remove it immediately from the water

I know it is difficult to react quickly when such a devastating event occurs, but it is necessary to move immediately! The longer your device remains under water, the lower your chances of survival. You need to get that phone out of the water right away. Yes … even if it’s in the bathroom!

smartphone in toilet

Once the phone is out of the water, make sure it is turned off. Even if it looks okay … it’s important to turn it off just in case. If the phone is still on, turn it off or remove the battery, if possible. Then store it in a safe place, preferably on a flat surface on some paper towels.

The good news is that even non-waterproof phones these days are generally at least a little more water-resistant than phones from the past, so there are some things you can do – and you shouldn’t do – if you want to solve the problem without too much damage.

What not to do after taking the phone out of the water

The following actions can make the difference between a dead or surviving phone. You better watch what you do. Before trying to find a solution, let’s try to prevent the main mistakes you could make.

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  • Do not switch on the phone, as already mentioned. Electrical components do not work well with water.
  • Don’t connect it either! For the same reason.
  • Do not press any key. This can push the water further into the phone. It is best to try to mess up the phone as little as possible.
  • Do not shake or blow into the device. This could cause water to reach deeper areas of the phone. Above all, try to avoid hair dryers.
  • Do not apply heat to the phone. Remember that excessive heat can also damage the phone. Don’t do even more damage!
  • Do not move the phone too much. For the same reason, you don’t want the water to move inside the phone.

Remove the phone damaged by water

Don’t confuse this step! What I mean is that you have to remove everything that is removable by the user. If the back cover is removable, remove it. Similarly, try removing the battery (if possible), the SIM card and the SD card. Spread it all over a paper towel.

Now, if you are an experienced technology specialist and know all the details of phone and don’t mind risking invalidating the warranty, you can go ahead and disassemble the entire phone. It could help to dry each piece faster. Just be careful, if you don’t know what you are doing this could cause more harm than good.

smartphone components

Try drying the outside with a paper towel

First, we must try to eliminate all the excess water found outside the phone. Use absorbent paper to dry each component. Just make sure you don’t dirty your phone too much. Gently dry everything without moving things too much.

You could try with a vacuum cleaner

Of course, there are areas where the paper towel cannot access. And while we were telling you not to blow on the phone, we didn’t tell you not to suck up the water. In fact, a vacuum cleaner can suck up pieces of water from the phone without too much risk. Make sure the suction does not make the phone slam too much. Oh, and try not to use a big one like the one in the picture!

vacuum cleaner

It’s time to dry it

The hardest part is coming because we have to leave the phone idle for a long time. This means you can’t use your smartphone! If you have another phone that you can use, make sure the SIM card is completely dry and insert it into the working phone. Otherwise, it is enough to resort to smoke signals, public telephones, and all that archaic stuff.

So how do you dry your phone? You could leave your phone on the counter or inside a drawer, but we have a little tip to offer you. The idea is to put it in an environment that will facilitate its drying process. A very common practice is to put the phone in a Ziploc bag filled with rice and let it sit there for about two or three days.


But why the rice? Mainly because it is something easily available in most homes. The idea is that rice is very effective in absorbing moisture in the air, making the phone’s environment drier and thus helping to dry the device. But there are alternatives that could be better.

The best options are silica gel packets, which are those small packages that you often find in shoes or electronic boxes (which you can’t eat ?). It is also possible to buy it.

silica gel packets

Finding ourselves talking about how to save a phone that has fallen into the water, I recommend the Kensington EVAP package, which includes a special bag and silica gel packs. Kensington states that this is 700% more effective in drying moisture than rice, although it is difficult to say how true it is.

The moment of truth

So you did everything you could, the days have passed. It’s time to see if all your efforts have paid off. Now take your phone and plug it in … try turning it on. If it works, you did it!

Pay attention to the phone if in any case, something strange happens, even in the days that follow. Also, try all the components. Make a call to see if the microphone and headset are working, test the speaker, etc.

If the phone doesn’t work, it’s time to accept the defeat and take it to a professional and see if it can be recovered.

Have any of you tried these methods? What other suggestions do you have for those who dropped their phone in the water?

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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