A Men Sentenced To 10 Years In Jail For Selling Drugs On Dark Web

We are aware of the fact that the Dark Web is being mainly used by hackers and people who are interested in doing illegal online activities. These people use the Dark Web to avoid getting caught. But A man from California has been arrested and sent to jail for 10 years for selling drugs on the Dark Web. He was selling drugs in exchange for Bitcoins. This news has been confirmed by Justice Government site.

This sentence of 10 years of jail for selling drugs on the Dark Web was passed by the United States District Judge James V. Selena. The judge also fined a whopping amount of 15,000 million dollars on the Reeves.

Drugs such as painkillers, stimulants, and sedatives were being sold by Tyler Reeves whose age is 29. Methamphetamine was also being sold by him under the name of ‘Platinum45’. Reeves was included in the list of top 5 drug peddlers on the Dark Web. Revees has about 300 customers around the globe.

The police while conducting a search warrant in the house of Reeves during the month of September found 13 unknown firearms and 14 silencers along with methamphetamine and oxycodone. The police also found out a Trezor hardware wallet which is used to store cryptocurrency. Expensive things like gold and silver bars were also discovered during the search warrant.

And the income that Reeves earned in the form of Bitcoins from their worldwide customers were later successfully converted into the currency of the United States.

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Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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