How To Check GLO Data Balance


    We will be showing you how to check GLO Data Balance for GLO internet Subscribers.

    GLO is Nigerian multinational telecommunications company that has made it names known. GLO prides their self as the Grand Masters Of Data due to their super cheap and affordable data plans. Although they reduced/Slashed the data plans by almost half but even with that, their prices are still the best in the market when compared to other telecommunication companies in Nigeria.

    With low-priced data plans comes a whole lot of Customers who want to get a taste of the very cheap data plans GLO has to offer. Subsequently leading to the ultimate question after they are done subscribing; How Do I Check Glo Data Balance? Well, we will be answering that question here in this guide.

    How To Check GLO Data Balance

    Check GLO Data Balance

    To check GLO Data Balance or the remaining/available data left along with the expiration date of said Data, just Text INFO to 127. If you are more of the USSD code kind of person or just prefer using USSD Codes, then you can dial *127 *0# to see your available data balance and Expiration date immediately.

    You can also check GLO Data Balance by following the Steps below.

    • Dial *777#
    • Input 1 (Buy Data) and Send.

    • Input 4 (Manage Data) and Send.

    • Again, Input 4 (Show Data Balance) and Send.

    This will show you remaining data balance alongside the expiration date.

    For GLO BIS(Blackberry Internet Services) Subscriptions, Simply Text Status To 777 to instantly get your BIS Data Balance and Also, an expiration date.


    Now you can check GLO Data Balance whichever way that suits you. You can decide to use the USSD Codes or Simply use the Text message options. Experiencing any problem while checking your GLO Data Balance? Tell us using the comment section down below so we can help.


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