Rockstar officially announces Red Dead Online

Rockstar has recently announced Red Dead Online, the online component linked to Red Dead Redemption 2, able to exploit the vast open world of the game to create a unique multiplayer experience.

Red Dead Online is an evolution of the multiplayer component seen in the first title, able to combine the narrative to the competitive and cooperative in new ways we have never seen before. It can be enjoyed both alone and in the company of friends, and there will be frequent updates that will come after the launch.

The multiplayer part will present itself as an open beta in November and will be accessible to all those who have purchased a copy of the game, both on PlayStation 4 and on Xbox One. Rockstar warns that, as for all online experiences, it is likely that in the early days there may be some problems related to the amount of content present within the vast game map and the modes present, but also undertakes to work closely with the community to solve any technical difficulty will be found, so that the experience becomes as fun as possible for the players.

red dead redemption 5

We have not yet gone into detail about what will be included in this online mode, but, looking to the past, more precisely to GTA V and the first Red Dead Redemption, it is possible that players will find themselves in a huge map, equal to that single player, where you can start different activities, among the most desperate.

Probably there will be bank robberies, diligence assaults and duels between bands of players, as per the tradition of any good western, and who knows what else can insert Rockstar to surprise us.

Red Dead Redemption 2 will be released on October 26th for both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. A PC version has not yet been confirmed.

So, what do you think of this new mode? Are you ready to experience the wild west multiplayer experience?

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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