4 Things to Know Before Choosing Your Web Host

To make the most of the content and ideas you have for your website, it’s imperative that you choose a web host that’s capable of helping you to execute your vision. Here’s what you need to know before you choose a web host for your site.

Choosing Web Host

Different Types of Hosting Companies

It’s important first to understand that there are different types of hosting companies, each offering a distinct service that may or may not cater to your company’s needs. Here are the different kinds of web host providers you’re likely to come across, as well as what they have to offer:

  • Unmanaged dedicated hosting

This approach means that you’ll be leasing a server from your web host which you will then manage yourself. While you can expect some form of support from the web host, you’ll probably be managing most of the server on your own.

  • Managed Dedicated Hosting

This is a very hands-on approach where the web host not only leases the server to you but actively manages it for you as well. Be sure to inquire about the level of support and maintenance you can expect.

  • Collocated Hosting

Collocated hosting puts the power to maintain your server in your hands. All that your web host has to do is provide you with the network with which to connect your server, and the rest is your baby. This may not be the best option for someone who doesn’t know their way around a server.

  • Shared Hosting

As the name implies, this type of hosting involves sharing the server where your website will be hosted with a number of other sites that are clients of the same hosting company. You’ll pay less when it comes to rates, but this will come at the price of your site’s compromised performance. Nevertheless, it’s an affordable solution for someone who wants a simple website with a landing page and limited functions.

Value for Money

While it’s important to consider your budget when shopping around for a web host, it’s equally essential to opt for a provider that can offer a diverse range of quality services. Apart from providing a majority of the support and maintenance for your website, some of the factors of a good quality server to look out for include the following:

  • –          They should have redundant data centres
  • –          Superior security measure for the network
  • –          Dedicated and experienced on-site support staff and a well-structured support department

Read Reviews

Read the reviews on a web host to find out what their current and past clients say about their services. Or better yet, request them to refer you to some of their customers so that you get a better idea of the kind of service they’re able to offer. This website hosting comparison on MangoMatter is a helpful resource.

Look out for Hidden Charges

Get an accurate list of all the services that the web host provides, including how much they charge for each service and the level of quality they provide along with their ‘free’ options. Also, ask as many questions as possible to ensure that there are no hidden charges or loopholes in their service.


Choosing a web host for your site is by no means an easy process, but at least when you know what to look for you’ll be able to ask the right questions to get a provider that can cater to your website’s needs.

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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