Android games that pay in Bitcoin? Yes, they exist!

Do you still remember the crazy Bitcoin virtual currency in 2016/2017? Well, things are much crazier in 2024! After all, Bitcoin has already reached 40,000 euros, and it seems that it is not in the mood to lose value.

In case you didn’t know, Bitcoin has not only been the target of major investments but has also gained support from major companies in the industry, such as Tesla, Apple, and even MasterCard, which has already announced support for cryptocurrency payments in the second half of the year.

However, if you think that it is only in the business world that Bitcoin is ‘pumping’, you are very wrong! In the gaming world, it is also starting to gain popularity.

Android games that pay in Bitcoin? Yes, they exist!

So, it seems, the world of video games is really changing strong and ugly in 2024, especially in the Android ecosystem. If you haven’t noticed yet, we’re talking about Gaming on Blockchain.

How does this work?

Very briefly, players pay to have their own tokens or in-game assets, which are basically collectible. However, these assets can be exchanged for real money (euros or dollars), or virtual currencies like Bitcoin.

In short, playing can also earn Bitcoins! And in a very curious way, these games are increasingly similar to the normal games of the Android ecosystem. Now see the following 3 games:

  • 0x Universe (Space game where the objective is to explore new worlds and collect various items. You need to have the Arkane wallet to play.)
  • Cryptopop (A kind of Candy Crush, which uses cryptocurrency symbols instead of sweets.)
  • Merge Cats (Here you can win the Soul coin, also being a game very similar to Candy Crush)

Furthermore, what do you think about all this? Share your opinion with us in the comments below.

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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