Do you play Call Of Duty Warzone? Zombies may be coming!

Although Battle Royal modes are doing quite well in Call Of Duty games. It must be borne in mind that the ones who always reigned and brought new players to these Activision games were the Zombies modes. Which, to tell you the truth has always introduced great “Hype” in all titles. Being truly fantastic to the point of completely addicting us (I speak from experience).

Thus, according to the most recent rumors spread over the Internet. It looks like we may soon have a Zombies mode in Warzone or even the Zombies themselves introduced in the game’s matches. Perhaps with the aim of making life even more complicated for players.

Do you play Call Of Duty Warzone? Zombies may be coming!

Therefore, all this information started to be known due to a possible easter egg discovered in Warzone. Where you can see a Call Of Duty Cold War Trial Machine in one of Battle Royal’s hospitals. With an option written there indicating that you can activate Zombies (ZAI / ACTIVATE_ZOMBIES).

That said, so far nothing has been officially revealed by Activision, and this may not even mean anything. However, could this be a clue to something bigger that is about to reach Battle Royal? Information that has just been revealed or perceived ahead of schedule? We really have to wait and see what the future holds in the game.

In short, if you happen to play Call Of Duty Warzone every day and you still haven’t had enough of the bugs that are discovered almost every week. So it is likely that this news about this new content will make you even more pleased with the game. This is probably one of Activision’s main goals for rewarding players for bad Gameplays.

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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