Facebook collaborates with James Patterson to heigthen reading experience

Facebook is partnering with one of the world’s best-selling authors to bring the first of a kind literary experience. The Social Media giant is partnering with James Patterson on the release of his latest novel “The Chef” to make the thriller available to users. The thriller which would be available in print in February next year has already been made available on Facebook for reading consumption since Tuesday. Users who are interested in reading the new novel can do so by simply sending a message to “The Chef by James Patterson” and then they will be able to embark on this immersive reading experience.

James Patterson who has sold over 375 million books worldwide is famous for his Alex cross series ‘The President is Missing”, “Witch and Wizard”

The plot of “The Chef” is about Caleb Rooney, a New Orleans police detective who doubles as a food truck detective accused of murder. The immersive reading experience has been made possible as it is augmented with a series of text, audios, videos, and documents. It is taken a further step as the lead characters are given Instagram accounts to enable readers to communicate with them.

Patterson who is no stranger to innovative reading ideas being one of the early pioneers of eBooks had released a line of super short books which he had sold for $4 each. He spoke about the collaboration with Facebook to Cheddar.

“It’s so important for me that books keep up that they enter the modern age”

Patterson has already coined the new word for the reading experience which has only been made achievable through his collaboration with Facebook. He calls as a bookie which is a book that meets a movie.

The new form of reading takes advantage of the content mongering appetite of the new generation that is accustomed to multi-media experiences.



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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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