How to become invisible on Steam

Become Invisible On Steam
Become Invisible On Steam

In this article, we will explain how to hide the games we are playing on steam from our friends and how to become invisible when we are connected thus resulting in offline and not connected.

Steam is one of the most used video game platforms in the world. Through this platform, players have at their disposal a large collection of games of all kinds. It is very popular and occasionally offers free games for a limited time in addition to its summer sales.

Like almost all video game platforms, Steam has a system that collects all the titles a user has played in addition to the number of hours they have spent on each of them.

This tool is very useful for the player himself, however, many do not like that the rest of the players can know this information, so they would rather hide it. This option is active by default in every account, however, with a series of steps, we can hide this information. 

How to become invisible on Steam to hide the game we are playing

If you don’t want your friends to know when you started playing the game that embarrassed you, or if you don’t want to be seen online, the first step is to log out of chat so that no one will be able to see you.

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To do this, on the main Steam screen, click on the Friends and Chats option you have at the bottom right.

Steam chat will open, where you can see your friends online and what they are playing in real-time. Here, click on the arrow next to your profile name, and in the options choose Offline or Invisible mode. This means that you will no longer appear in the chat, and your friends will no longer be notified when you start playing any games.

Remember that this will only help your friends not to know in real-time what you are starting to play, but if they deliberately enter your profile they will be able to know. You just won’t tell him every time you start playing something. If you want to hide your game list, go to the next point.

Hide the steam games you have from your profile

You will also be able to hide your game list from your friends without having to make your profile invisible, as this is an independent setting. Within the Steam client, click on your profile name and then click on the Edit Profile button you have on the right.

When entering your profile settings, you have to look in the left column where the different sections appear. Inside, at the bottom, click on the Privacy Settings section to change the settings related to it.

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Here you can make your profile and data invisible. But if you don’t want the entire profile to be private, which would be weird and suspicious for your friends, you need to change the Game Details parameter. This category is what makes your friends see your list of games and the time you have played them. Change the details setting to Private and your friends will no longer have this information.

If you just want to hide the time you spend playing, within the details you can mark the option Keep total playing time private. So, even if your data wasn’t private, the time you spend playing will become private. Your friends will know what games you have, but not how much you play them.


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