How To Fix Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Black Screen of Death

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 3
Samsung Galaxy Note 8 3

The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Black Screen of death is something that most users of this device been experiencing. In this article, we will try to fix that. There are two reasons why you might be experiencing the black screen of death on your Samsung Galaxy Note 8. It might be Either a system crash(Software Glitch) or there is a problem with the hardware.

Now, we can help you if it is a software issue but you will have to take it to a phone technician if it is a hardware issue.

How To Fix Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Black Screen of Death

If your Samsung Galaxy Note 8 black screen of death is as a result of a system crash or firmware glitch. then the best way to solve this will be to pull out the battery and insert it right back. But since the phone comes with a non-removable battery we will have to go about this differently.

Force Restart Your Samsung Galaxy Note 8

To perform a force restart and also stimulate a battery pull then you simply have to do the following.

  • Make sure your phone is Turned Off.
  • Press and Hold the Volume Down Button.

  • While still holding the volume down button, Press and Hold the Power Button also. (Hold it for about 10 seconds till the phone lights up)

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That’s the simplest way to fix Samsung Galaxy Note 8 black screen of death. If you tried the above steps and it did not turn on then it might be that the battery is low or not enough to restart the device.

Plug In Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Using A Charger

Now before plugging in your phone to an adapter, you have to make sure that there aren’t any particles like dust or liquid substance in the charging port. Just to be sure, get a cotton swab and clean the charging port before plugging it in.

Also, if you happened to have dropped your phone on a strong surface or in a liquid substance before you started experiencing the black screen of death then it is likely a hardware problem and you should take your phone to a technician. However, if you did not then simply Plug in your phone. Let it charge for a while before you try to Force Restart it again as shown in the First step.

If is still unresponsive then try the next step.

Boot Your Samsung Galaxy Note 8 In Safe Mode

The safe mode is a special place on your Samsung phone where all third-party apps are frozen and only the core apps are allowing to run. An app you recently Installed might be the culprit causing the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 black screen of death so in order to rule that out as a probable cause, you will need to boot your phone in safe mode. To do this, follow the steps below.

  • Ensure your phone is Turned Off.
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  • Press and Hold the Power Button till you see the Samsung logo.

  • Immediately the Samsung Logo appears Let Go of the Power Button and immediately Press and Hold the Volume down Button.

  • Hold the Volume Down Button till the phone boots Fully.

  • Let Go of the Volume Down Button when you see Safe Mode in the bottom left corner of the screen.

  • If you get to this stage then it is definitely an app installed on your phone that is responsible for the Black screen of death. I’ll recommend you start by uninstalling your recently Installed apps or any other app you suspect might be the cause in order to fix the problem.

    However, if your phone doesn’t boot into safe mode then there is one more thing we can try before you take your phone to a technician.

    Boot Into Recovery Mode On Your Samsung Galaxy Note 8 and Wipe Cache Partition

    As long as you have enough battery juice on your phone and your hardware isn’t damaged then you can successfully boot into recovery mode easily. The recovery mode is like the last line of defense on your phone. This helps you perform certain tasks that can potentially fix so many problems on your phone including the Black Screen of death.

    • Make sure the device is Turned Off.
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  • Press and Hold the Volume Up Button and the Bixby Button simultaneously before Pressing and also Holding the Power Button.

  • When you see the Android Logo then let go of all the Buttons. You will see “Installing System Updates” and after about a minute the recovery menu will show.

  • Using the Volume Up Button and Volume Down Button, Navigate to Wipe Cache Partition and Using the Power Button, Select it.

  • Select Yes using the Power Button again.

  • After it is done wiping cache partition, you will see Reboot System Now. Click on it using the Power Button. After it reboots your phone should be fixed. However, if after rebooting and the problem still persists then you might want to take a more drastic measure by performing a Factory Reset.

    To do this, follow the same steps above but instead of clicking on Wipe Cache Partition and Select Wipe Data/Factory Reset. You should also know that this will wipe all your data and settings on your phone.


    If after trying all the steps outlined above and you are still unable to fix Samsung Galaxy Note 8 black screen of death. Then it is definitely a hardware problem and not a Problem with the software. Your next course of action should be to take the phone to a certified and trusted technician to determine and fix the problem for you.


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