How To Flag A Review On Yelp If It Is Suspicious Or When It Violates The Rules

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Yelp depends mainly on user-generated content and is mostly an online platform that lets users share their patronage experiences with others. However, its users fail to use its features properly sometimes, which results in fake reviews.

A review simply evaluates a service or company. In addition to a critical evaluation, the writer of the review can add a rating to reveal its relative merit. Reviewers can review present events, trends, or items in the news and this will inform potential patronizers about what they are getting themselves into. However, not all reviews are true.

As a business owner or consumer, if you see a spammy or suspicious review on the platform, it is best to do something about it. You can flag a review and notify Yelp so they can take it up from here. Let’s direct you on how to go about that. See How To Flag A Review On Yelp If It Is Suspicious Or When It Violates The Rules:

How Can I Flag A Review On Yelp Using My PC?

  • Grab your Personal Computer or Mac and get yourself logged into your Yelp account.
  • Locate the review that you wish to report. As soon as you find it, tap the flag icon in the bottom-right corner of the review.
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Flag A Review On Yelp

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  • In the pop-up windows, choose your reason for suspecting the review from the dropdown menu under “Why do you want to report this review?” and then expatiate on it. After that, tap “Report” to flag the review.

Flag A Review On Yelp

How Can I Flag A Review On Yelp Using My Smartphone?

  • Open the Yelp application on your Android or iOS device and get yourself logged into your account.
  • Locate the review that you wish to report.
  • As soon as you find the review, click the 3 horizontal dots in the top-right corner of the review and then click “Report Review.”

  • Choose your reason for reporting the review and drop additional comments, if required.


Flag A Review On Yelp

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  • After that, click “Send” to report the review.

That is that.


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