How To Stop WhatsApp Auto Download Of Photos, Videos and Documents

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WhatsApp 4

There is no denying that we all have that one contacts that always send us broadcast messages that include random photos, videos, voice notes or documents. Some of us are even in one WhatsApp group or another where Photos, Videos, voice notes, and documents get shared randomly by members of the group.

Now, if your WhatsApp Auto download is turned on then those pictures, videos, voice notes or documents gets downloaded automatically, regardless if you’re connected to a WiFi network or using mobile data. This can be a problem for some people who don’t have much data or aren’t connected to WiFi network but still want to stay in the WhatsApp group.

If this is the case then you can simply stop WhatsApp auto download from Downloading files like photos, videos or documents whether they are sent to you or posted in a group you’re a member of. Unfortunately, you can’t stop the auto download of voice notes as that is always automatically downloaded for the best communication experience according to WhatsApp.

To Stop WhatsApp Auto download, Simply follow the steps below.

How To Stop WhatsApp Auto Download Of Photos, Videos, and Documents

  • Open your WhatsApp.
  • Now Click on the three dots at the top right side of the App Screen and Select Settings for the drop-down menu.

  • Click on Data and Storage Usage.

  • Under Media Auto-Download, You’ll see When Using Mobile Data, When Connected On WiFi and When Roaming.

  • Click on When Using Mobile Data to see the list of files that will be downloaded automatically when you are using the mobile network. Simply Unmark/Uncheck them all.

  • Do the same for When Connected On WiFi and When Roaming.

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Now whenever someone sends you a Photo, Video or Document you’ll be prompt to click on the said file to begin Downloading it. If you don’t click on it, it won’t download. The same applies to photos, videos or documents posted in a WhatsApp group you are a member of. It doesn’t download unless you click on it.

Unfortunately, you can’t stop voice notes from auto Downloading just yet but who knows, it might get added in a future update.


If you are the kind of person that is somehow caught up in a WhatsApp group you leave just yet(School group, workgroup etc) then this method to stop WhatsApp auto download is definitely for you. With this, you don’t have to leave any WhatsApp group you’re currently in because they post too many photos or videos.

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