PayPal launches Funds Now, the solution designed for small businesses

The leading provider of online payments and the provision of PayPal services has recently launched Funds Now, the new solution designed to improve the quality of life of small businesses.

What will make the PayPal solution

The new solution launched by PayPal, currently available in the beta version only for a select group of companies, will allow them to access new innovative services, so as to improve their quality of life.

For example, companies that take advantage of this new possibility will be able to eliminate the traditional technical waiting times for gaining from online sales, collecting money within seconds. In this way, the merchants will then be able to immediately use the cash collected for other commercial needs.

PayPal Funds Now

The problems of online purchases

PayPal wanted to launch the new Funds Now service to solve one of the main problems arising from online payments. The latter are in fact extremely slow, and able to bring many difficulties for traders involved in the negotiation concerned.

To understand the problem, just think that, once an online purchase is made by the user before the money deriving from the sale becomes actually available to the merchant, the latter must wait from 7 to 21 days!

Similar times prevent small businesses from exploiting those funds, either to reinvest them in other projects or to pay off any suppliers.

The countries where the service is available

Funds Now has now been made available to more than one million companies that already use PayPal, at no additional cost.

To push the company to expand the range of availability of the service was the success obtained by the latter in countries where it is already available, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

The arrival of the new function is therefore foreseen in other strategic markets, such as Italian, Canadian, Spanish, German and French.

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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