Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus – new details on battery and thickness

After seeing what should be the prices of the Galaxy S10 range, it is time to analyze in detail the datasheet of the top of the range  Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus. As revealed by the insider Ice Universe, always very reliable on leakage products Samsung, the new Korean flagship will have a battery of 4,100 mAh and a thickness of 7.8 mm.

Recall that, like Note 9, the new Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus will have a 6.4-inch display. Compared to Note 9, in any case, the new top of the range Samsung will be thinner than 1 mm and will have a slightly larger battery (4,100 against 4,000 mAh). On balance, the new S10 Plus will be very similar to Note 9 even if the news will not be missing.

According to some rumors, not yet confirmed, the Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus could arrive on the market as Galaxy S10 Pro. The 6.4-inch smartphone will be joined by two other variants, the Galaxy S10 Lite with a 5.8-inch display and the Galaxy S10 with a 6.1-inch display. 

The new S10 range will be presented during a special event on 20 February. The new top of the range will be present at Mobile World Congress 2019 and should arrive market starting from March 8th. Keep following us for all the updates.

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Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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