Why WhatsApp Web disconnects with screen off or locked

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WhatsApp Web has also conquered the desktop market; its wide popularity has made it one of the most useful instant messaging applications these days. More and more users are using it.

This feature has the ability to show you all WhatsApp conversations and images on your PC directly from your smartphone. So that if you don’t have your mobile phone nearby, you will still be able to use it with your computer.

However, as we move forward and learn about the application, we realize the errors and inconveniences we need to learn to fix.

Among the many comments we often read about these errors, one is very common among users- “My WhatsApp Web disconnects when I lock my phone, even when I’m not using my phone, and the screen goes off.”

This shouldn’t happen for any reason. If you no longer want to read “make sure your phone is connected to the internet,” you are in luck because now we will teach you how to fix this error quickly and without complications.

Why is WhatsApp Web disconnected from the mobile?

Many times we don’t realize it, but our smartphone’s power-saving mode may be enabled. A mode that often prevents the correct use of some functions of the mobile phone. 

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Reasons why WhatsApp Web disconnects:

  • When you have a bad internet connection or its interruption.
  • When the WhatsApp web platform has a problem
  • When you have WhatsApp Web open on more devices than allowed
  • When the mobile phone has the “energy-saving” mode activated
  • When the cell phone freezes
  • When the mobile phone screen turns off or goes into “sleep” mode

As mentioned earlier, one of these problems occurs many times when our device’s screen is turned off. What happens is that the WiFi signal is disconnected at the same time as our device’s screen.

At this moment, WhatsApp Web is disconnected or disabled when our smartphone turns off the screen and disconnects our Wifi.

One of the solutions is to deactivate the “energy-saving” mode of the mobile phone is activated. This means that even with the screen locked or the screen turned off; the mobile will normally maintain the Internet connection.

Another solution is to go into settings, then go to WiFi options. This section will see the different networks in the area; once there, point your finger to the top right and enter the advanced options. 

Here you will see the option that you will have to activate “Keep Wifi on during sleep,” when this option is disabled, the problems we have already mentioned arise. Log back into WhatsApp Web and check that the problem is resolved.

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