Apple officially stops manufacturing AirPort routers and Time Capsule hardware. The hardware remains for sale as long as there are still stocks. Apple also continues to release security updates.
Apple has not released any new hardware in the AirPort series for years and at the end of 2016, there was already a rumor that the manufacturer stopped further development. People working on the routers would have been moved to other departments.
Although Apple does not give specific details, the brand has officially confirmed that it will stop producing AirPort routers. In statements given to TechCrunch and Engadget, Apple says that the hardware is still being sold, but when stocks are out, new ones are no longer being made.
A spokesman indicates to Engadget that Apple may in the future consider making new network equipment if it can ‘make a meaningful contribution to the segment’. Apple released in 2013 was the last new AirPort hardware.