10 Craigslist Alternative Sites for Buying and Selling (2025 Updated)

    Make Money with Craigslist
    Make Money with Craigslist

    Best Craigslist Alternative: Craigslist is a website that connects buyers and sellers of goods or services through classified ads. It is the most popular online classifieds site in the United States.

    In 1995, Craig Newmark created a mailing list to discuss San Francisco-area events. This list soon became a discussion board where people could share information about their activities, interests, and opinions. In 1996, he created Craigslist as an email distribution list for this discussion board. It was designed to be used by only the participants on the discussion board and their friends.

    In 1997, he decided to make it an open website where anyone could post items for sale or trade and talk about what they were doing with their time in different cities around the world.

    You may have bought or sold used things on Craigslist, an online service. You’ll never want to sell something for less than it’s worth. That’s why people use services like Craigslist, which let you sell used items for a good price.

    But you might not be happy with Craigslist, which also lets you sell and buy goods from people in your area. If that’s the case, you can try these alternatives to Craigslist, which are the same as or better than Craigslist.

    Not only that, but these alternatives also offer local buy and sell services for used goods at prices that are very reasonable. This is how you can use the other sites to your advantage to get better prices for the things you buy or sell. Let’s talk now about the best websites that are like Craigslist.


    Here are the best alternatives to Craigslist that I could find. These sites work exactly the same way that Craigslist does. If you are not happy with Craigslist for some reason, these sites will help. We also shared the best sites like Solarmovie.


    Facebook Marketplace
    Facebook Marketplace

    You might think that Facebook is just a place to connect with friends and family through social media. But you’re mistaken. Because Facebook is getting more and more useful, you can also sell and buy things from your area.

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    Yeah, it’s true. You can quickly buy a used product or sell your own used product on Facebook Marketplace to get a better deal. Why think that Facebook Market is better?

    We all know that the number of people using Facebook grows every day. Because of this, you’ll find more interactions, more people, and better prices on the popular social media site.

    Facebook makes it easy to get in touch with people in your area to sell or buy used items.

    You can post an update and ask people from a certain location if they are interested. When you search for a certain item on Facebook, you can also see the different offers from people in your area. This is the best thing about Facebook for selling and buying things quickly.



    Letgo is another site that gives its users a better experience than Facebook. This service makes it easier for people to choose the item they want from certain sections. A user can, for example, choose from different categories on Letgo.

    When you go to the site, the most recently listed items are always on the home page. It’s one of the best websites similar to Craigslist. As far as safety goes, all Letgo users are checked out with a Google or Facebook login, which helps you get a better deal and makes sure your payments are safe as well.

    The user can also add videos to Letgo to get more people interested in buying the item. You don’t have to put in your phone number or email address, which is good for your privacy.



    The next one on the list is Recycler, which started out as a newspaper and became a popular Marketplace in 2010. The Recycler is used by 18 million people every month. If you want to sell or buy things in your area, you can also use a recycler.

    You can share your post on Facebook and Twitter with this service. So, it will also get more people to buy from these social media sites. Recycler can be used for many things, like buying or selling pets, renting houses out, etc. It’s a great substitute for Craigslist.

    4. OODLE.COM


    Oodle is different from the other services we’ve seen. It can be good for some people and bad for others. The only difference between Oodle and other online services is that it shares posts from other sites.

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    This means that Oodle will not only show you listings from the Seller on the Site, but also posts from other websites. For example, it can show posts from both Recycler.com and Actual Sellers.

    5. CLOSE5


    Close5 is another service that can be used instead of Craigslist. It works well in cities like San Francisco, San Diego, and Los Angeles.

    You might find posts from other cities on Close5, but most of the posts are from the three cities above. It’s one of the best sites like Craigslist that aren’t Craigslist.

    Close5 has a great layout that shows off each product in as many pictures as possible. The price for each item can be seen below each picture. The app also makes it easy for the interested buyer to get in touch with the seller.



    One of the best sites like Craigslist that aren’t Craigslist is FinderMaster. It has thousands of posts where you can buy or sell anything from your area. This service can help you find the best of whatever you’re looking for, in whatever category you want.

    First, you need to select your location from the list on the homepage. Then, it will show you all the listings that are available in your area or nearby. You can look for any specific item you want to buy on the website.



    Hoobly is one of the best sites like Craigslist that you can use instead. The design and look of Hoobly are the same as what we’ve seen on Craigslist, which is great. Not only that, but Hoobly can also post any listings under the different categories that are there.

    This will help you quickly find what you’re looking for. If you live in Canada or Europe, where most of the listings are from, Hoobly can be a great tool for you. It is very popular in these places.

    Also, it’s free to post any ad to buy or sell something. For example, if you want to buy or sell pets, it’s free to post an ad on Hoobly.

    8. PEERHUB


    PeerHub is also a good place to go if you want to buy or sell something online in your area. It’s more like a mix of all the services you can find on eBay, Etsy, and Craigslist, which makes it a service you should definitely try.

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    PeerHub helps you find everything you’re looking for in your area. It’s one of the best sites like Craigslist that aren’t Craigslist. PeerHub can also link to your social profiles, which makes it easier for users to find the best deal.

    On PeerHub, you can also pay with cash or a credit card. This can be a great service if you want to buy or sell used items online from your area.

    9. GEEBO.COM


    Geebo is one of those markets that you can find in a lot of different cities. Let’s say you live in a popular city like Chicago, California, Los Angeles, etc. When it comes to used items, you can get the best deal in your area.

    You should check out Geebo and see if there are sellers from your city. Geebo has a payment option called “Secure Payment,” which makes it possible for Seller and Buyer to do business in a safe way.

    The payment can only be made if the Buyer and Seller agree to meet in person so they can trade the item and pay the money. It could be one of the best ways to get things done besides Craigslist.

    10. BOOKOO.COM


    Bookoo is an alternative to Craigslist that is similar to Craigslist in many ways. It has some crazy features that other services don’t have. Bookoo has specific locations all over the country, so it’s easy to find the place to buy or sell in your area.

    Bookoo adds the Seller’s bio and profile picture to give you more information about them. So, it makes it easier for both the buyer and the seller.

    This profile will also explain what a certain seller has sold on Bookoo. In case of trouble, the site has live support. It also lets you connect your Social Media profiles.


    So much for the best sites like Craigslist that aren’t Craigslist. If you think something is missing, tell us in the comments. Share your thoughts, ideas, and questions in the comment section as well.

    Also, you can get the latest news by following us on all social media sites.

    Please tell your friends about this information to help them find the best alternatives to Craigslist.