Dyson V15 Detect Cordless Vacuum Cleaner

The manufacturer of Dyson V15 Detect Cordless Vacuum found a way to revolutionize the market and provided a vacuum cleaner that’s one of the best in its class. Carpets and rugs need to be diligently cleaned for your home and offices to carry non-polluted air. Although you may know that Dyson vacuums had done well in this regard in the past, this latest product can even do better.

Introducing the Dyson V15 Detect Cordless Vacuum Cleaner

The one we are shedding more light on is yellow in color. Plainly, it is a stick. It best works on hard floors, or on carpets. It weighs less than one kilogram so that it won’t be a heavy thing for kids in the household to make use of.

It’s a powerful tool to clean the floor. The good thing is that it has a laser that helps to reveal microscopic dust. The deep suction power is very intact and works to clean the whole home just as you like it. When you make use of it, take note that you can optimize suction and run time-based on the dust level and the floor type.

You have the installed sensor in the cleaner, and that helps to evaluate the debris that must be cleaned up. The process is automatic and won’t stress you out in any way. Once the vacuum cleaner detects how much work needs to be done, it adapts run time and suction power so that the chore will be complete in record time.

The LCD Screen of Dyson V15 Detect Cordless Vacuum

In addition to the Piezo sensor, and the Dyson DLS tech, there’s also the LCD screen which displays scientific proof of deep clean evidence. It is able to calculate and categorize the picked-up particles. Look at the screen as you clean the floor to see the progress of what has been done. In addition to those, you can also take note of how it goes down at the run time level and what the power mode is.

Dyson V15 Detect Cordless Vacuum Cleaner 1
Dyson V15 Detect Cordless Vacuum Cleaner 1

Main Specs of Dyson V15 Detect Cordless Vacuum

Brand Dyson
Surface Recommendation Hard Floor
Item Dimension 11 x 6.5 x 37 inches
Weight 0.86 Kg
Batteries Required? No
Display Type LCD
Sensor Piezo & DLS Tech
Laser Available


What’s in the Packaging?

When you purchase the Dyson V15 Detect Cordless Vacuum cleaner, you get the following- Torque drive cleaner head, laser slim fluffy cleaner head, docking station, crevice tool, stubborn dirt brush, hair tool, and charger.

Dyson V15 Detect Cordless Vacuum Cleaner
Dyson V15 Detect Cordless Vacuum Cleaner

What Can Dyson V15 Detect Cordless Vacuum Cleaner Do?

It will clean hard floors, carpet surfaces, and hardwood floors. Just ensure that that you adjust the suction before you start the work. The tool is able to adapt to different floors. You can even use it on a plush carpet.

Dyson V15 Detect Cordless Vacuum Price

If you’re looking for the yellow-colored cleaner, it sells for $939.95 on Amazon directly from Dyson’s store.


Although this vacuum cleaner comes without a hose, it is still worth the use. The attachments it comes with are many. For best use, make sure the product is fully charged. That may take a longer than expected time but be patient.  It is expensive but the attachments also justify that. Constant use means you could get used to it in no time. This has to be the best vacuum cleaner anyone has ever used.

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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