How People Are Tweeting From Fake Devices

Have you seen the news? A “teen girl” has gone viral after she tweeted from an “LG Smart Refrigerator” when her mother took away her phone. That was fake, however, as no LG Smart Refrigerator comes with a built-in Twitter client.

According to BuzzFeed News, this is just a new type of meme. People send funny tweets and they can even make them even funnier by adding a fake device name which the tweet was sent from. Doing this is actually easier than you might expect.

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It turns out you—or anyone else can send a tweet and make it look like you sent it from absolutely any device you want. It is quite simple- Twitter wants developers to build devices that can send tweets. As such, Twitter allows anyone to create a free developer account, create a “device,” and enter an “app name.” You can even do something as ridiculous as tweeting from a “Windows 10 Smart Toilet.”

That’s pretty much it! Following through, however, is a bit more complicated as it may seem. Doing this will require you to have a Twitter client that you can provide your developer keys to. For instance, K0902 on Reddit explains a simple way to tweet from any device using a Python script. Doing this is just as simple as programming goes but just a few clicks can’t get it done.

That’s how it works right now, anyway. With users beginning to use these memes even more and the knowledge of how to tweet from fake devices out there becoming more widespread, Twitter might experience a flood of new fake devices which might force them to start shutting things down.

Twitter doesn’t really want people tweeting from GUCCI SmartToilets™, does it?

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Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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