How To Reset Firefox Browser On Mac Or PC

Mozilla Firefox3
Mozilla Firefox3

Choosing a browser depends on a lot of things. Some people love the browsers they are used to and familiar with, while others pick a particular browser because of how it is designed. What most users agree on though, is the fact that the Mozilla Firefox browser is brilliant.

What makes the browser stand out is that it is an open-source project. Meaning, anyone can check the code to see how it works and what it does precisely. It does not send your private info to its servers or any 3rd-party partners.

Some of its features include features like Tracking protection to ensure sites do not monitor your online activities across multiple websites, something Facebook is very guilty of. The programmers behind the browser are also very passionate about safeguarding the freedom of the web.

For those that do not want customized adverts every single time they launch a browser, this is the one to go for too. When you decide to stick to it, you will no longer be a digital slave. Just start by using it on your PC for a fast search, for facebook e.t.c, and you will surely be stuck for a long time.

And when it comes to using your PC and browser on a daily basis, all kinds of misuses that will aid bandwidth out-of-date plugins to get piled up, make untrusted 3rd party downloads get in, make cache to be in dire need for clearing compiles, are to be expected.

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Luckily for us all, there is a fast and easy solution for Firefox users to reset their browser when they encounter this problem. If you notice that Firefox has started slogging around, there are ways to refresh and reset it to its default settings for quicker speeds and less lagging. See How To Reset The Firefox Browser On Your Mac Or PC:

How Can I Reset Mozilla Firefox?

  • Launch Firefox on your Mac or personal computer.
  • Head to this Firefox support site.
  • Tap “Refresh Firefox.”

Reset Firefox Browser On Mac

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  • Choose “Refresh Firefox” one more time when prompted.

Reset Firefox Browser On Mac

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That is that. Ensure you refresh Firefox periodically to maintain a decent performance from the browser.


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