World of Warcraft Classic – Pre-Load Demo

BlizzCon 2018 is around the corner. This is an annual gaming convention held by Blizzard Entertainment to promote its major game franchises Warcraft, StarCraft, Diablo, Heartstone, heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch. The event will take place on the 2nd and 3rd of November, 2018 at Anaheim Convention center.

This year, Blizzard has been treating fans to virtual tickets. This will grant fans to a world of the new World of Warcraft Classic. This is the new version of the MMO which is based strictly on what it was in 2016. Already, ticket owners have been able to pre-load the demo in the previous week. However, it will not be fully open to fans until the 2nd of November 2018 when the convention kicks off.

Nevertheless, we can now examine what’s inside as it has been revealed by a Youtube video creator. He helps us to see what is available.

WoW Classic

Things were not as expected because there wasn’t much to do because the demo was not connected to Blizzard’s servers. Hence, there were no players or NPCs to interact with. Also, it was not possible to get an early game start.

The demo was carried out on Dodgy Kebaab’s Youtube channel and it is mainly focused on getting an inside demo on beta games. In this case, he used the opportunity to look at WoW Classic demo and check differences with how Vanilla WoW actually worked back in 2006.

He posted a detailed video that highlights the graphical changes between the two World of Warcraft versions. The changes had to do with with textures, lighting, and user interfaces. The good part is that the demo allowed for the tester to explore an option to play with graphics from the original game. This means that the player can enjoy the classic feel of the game.

On November 2nd or 3rd, fans expect that that World of Warcraft Classic demo will go live. Then it can feature leveling zones for 15-19, coupled with the ability to engage in duels. Nonetheless, there may not be access to games such as World PVP. The demo is expected to run for about a week. BlizzCon Virtual tickets are still available for $49.99. Notably, it includes all access to the event’s panels and presentations through online live streams.

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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