Instagram Album – Posts Can Now Have Up to 10 Photos and Videos

Instagram is adding a new feature that changes everything to its App. It is giving users another way to share their picture and video experiences in a more fun manner.

Instagram is now making it possible for users to include more than one picture or video in a post. Something like an “Album” of photos, and this time now, videos. You can share up to ten photos or videos (in any combination) at one time.

“You no longer have to choose the single best photo or video from an experience you want to remember” Instagram says. You can just go ahead and post your top 3, or 4, or 10 favorite pictures from a particular event.

Viewing the album has been made easy as your friend and followers can just, without stress, swipe through the post either left or right to view the pictures or videos in your album.

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Instagram Album

User can create an album post by;

  • First selecting images or videos to be shared
  • Add a filter to them. Filters can be added to all images or videos in the album at the same time, or it could done singly and separately for individual photo or video.
  • You can reorder the entries by tapping and holding each one.
  • Then Post.

Album posts will have a single caption and permits square posts at the moment. Any album post will however be easily differentiated from a normal picture or video post as there will be a little icon on the first photo or video, indicating that there is more media attached to the post.

On your viewers/followers feed, blue dots at the bottom of such posts announces to your followers that they can swipe left and right to go through all of the images and videos.

This new Instagram Album feature according to Instagram allows you to;

“Share your favorite moments of your best friend’s surprise birthday party, from setting up to when they walk through the door. Or create a step-by-step cake recipe that people can always find on your profile.”

The new feature is part of Instagram 10.9 for Android and iOS, which should already be available through the Google Play Store and iTunes App Store.

OK guys, go update your Instagram apps and give the Instagram Album feature a try.

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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