AI Promises New, Improved Possibilities for Many Sectors

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is almost on the lips of everyone in the broadcast and media industry at this moment. Will it be a smart investment or an overhyped failure? Is AI capable of really benefiting businesses in the long run? Will it end up harming the human race?

These and many other questions are being asked by intelligent minds in the world. Astute individuals are cautioning humans not to be overly enthusiastic about the issue of artificial intelligence. They claim that even though we are optimistic, we should beware of consequences of letting technology run rampant.

For businesses, AI now seems to be everything, having taken on a mythical status and put forward as the messiah of current IT challenges. In view of this, organizations are pouring in more investments into their AI projects.

Now, we cannot tell if AI will live up to the initial hype it got, but now, there is nothing to suggest that the brouhaha will go away in a short or long run. Statistics reveal lately spending on AI systems will reach a surprising USD $77.6 billion by 2022, if the hype is able to survive for that long.

Since AI is available and will impact any business for good, the hype is more sustained than it should with both small and big businesses seeing it as an avenue to solve problems that have existed for decades. Since small businesses can access computer, which is need to trigger AI sensations, almost anyone wants to jump on board.

To make the noise louder, cloud technology offers infrastructure that is more powerful and agile than what most businesses can hope to create in isolation, and the result is that AI is thriving in all the places that one would think is impossible. That also includes small sectors.

Now, broadcast and media organizations are jumping in the bandwagon. They are seeking to move themselves to the forefront of the world’s AI scene. It is even easier for these organizations as they enjoy access to some of the most exciting and pioneering technologies to enrich metadata and streamline production methods.

AI could really become the future of the industry. However, if any business is seeking to leapfrog the competition, the company needs to start now.

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About Author

Samuel Afolabi is a lazy tech-savvy that loves writing almost all tech-related kinds of stuff. He is the Editor-in-Chief of TechVaz. You can connect with him socially :)

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